2006 IBT Election Results for the Western Region

Western Region

L 2 167 276 15%
L 17 173 410 28%
L 104 358 824 18%
L 190 118 186 20%
L 222 180 630 28%
L 267 43 115 30%
L 435 206 763 18%
L 483 56 123 25%
L 492 174 404 24%
L 537 102 402 18%
L 752 7 14 10%
L 961 74 170 9%
L 983 71 62 16%
JC 3 1,729 4,379 19%

L 15 14 113 33%
L 70 178 623 20%
L 78 226 400 11%
L 85 40 154 26%
L 278 75 143 12%
L 287 130 264 19%
L 315 146 232 13%
L 350 28 215 12%
L 490 114 205 14%
L 624 112 128 13%
L 665 124 276 10%
L 853 168 872 21%
L 856 142 327 8%
L 890 95 209 5%
L 912 39 59 6%
JC 7 1,631 4,220 13%

L 38 138 209 8%
L 117 728 1,344 17%
L 174 1,287 1,028 33%
L 231 135 158 12%
L 252 138 222 14%
L 313 113 198 17%
L 589 92 146 15%
L 690 160 476 23%
L 760 187 389 11%
L 763 259 397 19%
L 839 78 128 14%
L 959 246 437 14%
JC 28 3,561 5,132 18%

L 58 101 225 20%
L 81 145 267 45%
L 162 621 417 22%
L 206 687 53 26%
L 223 128 134 13%
L 305 285 690 24%
L 324 268 138 25%
L 670 161 287 10%
L 962 158 238 23%
JC 37 2,554 2,449 21%

L 87 52 56 10%
L 137 90 145 12%
L 150 323 406 12%
L 228 71 163 8%
L 386 108 206 10%
L 431 77 179 10%
L 439 220 580 18%
L 517 56 129 11%
L 533 77 257 18%
L 601 94 186 9%
L 948 188 333 9%
JC 38 1,356 2,640 12%

L 14 156 226 15%
L 36 32 92 10%
L 63 469 2,458 22%
L 166 131 387 10%
L 186 47 181 14%
L 381 41 80 9%
L 396 588 1,105 17%
L 399 93 773 22%
L 481 110 104 7%
L 495 174 522 10%
L 542 161 486 11%
L 572 347 631 10%
L 578 35 105 5%
L 630 200 554 12%
L 631 533 634 20%
L 683 56 122 9%
L 848 273 1,074 20%
L 896 215 219 16%
L 911 156 344 8%
L 952 436 1,205 17%
L 986 298 771 10%
L 995 76 289 13%
L 996 308 1,017 22%
L 2004 10 68 13%
JC 42 4,945 13,447 15%

UP (WES) 247 267 24%
UP (EAS) 118 221 32%
UP (WES) 157 204 28%
BLET 525 709 27%

MT&PLS 23 104 20%
PACFED 60 174 15%
UNPAC 123 378 20%
BMWED 206 656 19%

116C 17 4 16%
388M 148 581 11%
404M 19 59 8%
468S 2 49 38%
4N 51 27 19%
583M 22 52 14%
767M 58 79 15%
GCC 341 888 10%

West 16,838 34,452 15%

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