Carhaulers Say NO to Concessions, Job Loss
Five weeks after carhaulers said Hell No to a concessionary contract by 87%, members have not heard anything on what the International union plans to do.
Read moreCarhaulers Say NO to Concessions, Job Loss
Five weeks after carhaulers said Hell No to a concessionary contract by 87%, members have not heard anything on what the International union plans to do.
Read moreCarhaul Locals to Hold Meetings
The IBT Carhaul Division has instructed all carhaul locals to hold meetings to ask members why they rejected the concessionary first offer.
Read moreCarhaul Teamsters Say NO to Hoffa Concessions
Today another group of Teamsters told Hoffa and Hall “Hell No!” to concessions and secret deals: Carhaulers overwhelmingly rejected the national contract deal that Hoffa tried to sell them.
Read moreCarhaul Contract: Do Concessions Work?
The Hoffa administration yesterday revealed the tentative agreement for the national carhaul contract, and then held a conference call to lay out the rationale for the proposed concessions.
Read moreCarhaul Deal to Face Scrutiny
The national carhaul contract, which was negotiated in secret with an information blackout from the members, will finally see the light of day next week.
Read moreTentative Deal in Carhaul
The International Union has reportedly reached a tentative agreement for the national carhaul contract. No information is available, as the Hoffa administration has put a gag-order on the negotiating committee, and has maintained secrecy from members throughout the process.
Read moreCarhaul Negotiations Open
Teamster and employer negotiators met today to exchange initial proposals, with bargaining set to begin on June 10. The union’s proposals are available here. The contract expires on August 31.
The union’s initial proposals cover a number of important working conditions and competitive rates issues (Article 22), but not proposals on wages, pension, health benefits and other monetary issues. Those will be addressed later in bargaining.
Bargaining has barely started but Hoffa is already putting politics ahead of the contract.
The union committee chosen by James Hoffa and Carhaul Director Kevin Moore omits leaders from important locals, including Local 89, one of the largest carhaul locals, and St Louis Local 604. The leaders of those locals – Fred Zuckerman and John Thyer – are candidates on the Teamsters United slate.
Some 300 carhaul members joined a Teamsters United conference call last month to discuss the contract and upcoming election, and to form a national contract solidarity network among carhaulers.
Get involved in the fight to save our contract and our union.
Contract & Campaign Carhaulers Form National Network
May 20, 2015: Over 300 carhaulers joined a conference call on May 14 to form a national network of stewards, officers, and active members to defend their contract and change the national leadership of the union. Now the organizing work will begin.
Rebuilding Teamster Power in Carhaul
Interview with Kirk Sikora Local 327 Steward Cassens
How did you become a Teamster Carhauler?