Standing Up to UPS
August 9, 2013: UPS Teamsters have shown they have more fight than Hoffa-Hall and the International Union when it comes to taking on concessions.
After voting down 18 supplements, members are continuing to organize to rebuild union power at UPS.
Philadelphia: Taking on UPS. Taking Back Their Local.
After rejecting their supplement 756 to 227, Philadelphia Local 623 launched a petition drive to defend their healthcare and win improvements in their supplement, including more full-time 22.3 jobs, language to protect the local’s feeder runs, and a stronger grievance procedure. And they're not stopping there.
Bobby Curry (far right), a leader in the Vote No Movement, is heading up the Integrity Slate a reform team running for local union office.
"Members want union leaders that will stand up to UPS. We're tired of being disrespected by this company and by our own union officials," Curry said.
Southern California: Building TDU and Rank-and-File Power
Teamsters in San Diego say NO to givebacks and YES to getting involved in their union. Local 542 members formed a TDU Committee and are leafleting, holding parking lot rallies, and distributing "Vote No Until UPS Gets it Right" stickers and petitions. A Southern California Organizing meeting will be held on August 25.
Upstate NY Teamsters:
Beating Concessions, Winning Improvements
By Voting No and standing united, UPSers in Upstate NY have gotten the company to pull some concessions off the table. Language that would have allowed four 10-hour day schedules in the feeder department and imposed new restrictions on leaves of absences and job bidding rights have been struck from the contract.
"The language on four 10-hour days and restricting bidding rights should've never been in there in the first place. We still have serious concerns about our pension plan and cuts to retiree healthcare. Members are joining TDU and we're holding our first meeting to work together to protect our rights and benefits."
Mark Greene, Local 294, Albany, N.Y.
Central Region Teamsters Take Aim at Supplement
Central Region Teamsters came into contract negotiations with clear, achievable goals for improving their supplement, including eliminating the dreaded 17(i) catch-all loophole that lets management fire Teamsters for "other serious offenses." UPS Teamsters in Indiana, Iowa and Ohio are holding TDU meetings and organizing against concessions in St. Louis, Michigan, Kentucky and beyond.
"We collected petition signatures calling on Hoffa and Hall to help us make major improvements in the Central Region. We work far too hard to earn the profits for UPS to be asked to accept a non-stellar contract."
Stu Malcolm, Steward, Local 164, Jackson, Mich.
Getting Organized in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania
"UPSers in Western Pennsylvania came together to vote down our Supplement. Now we're getting even more organized. We've held our first TDU meeting. If we want to be able to stand up to UPS, we've got to get more members informed, involved and united."
Rich Siget, Local 261, New Castle, Pa.
Click here to download a Contract Update and pass out copies to other Teamsters.
UPS Teamsters at the TDU Convention
UPS Teamsters from across the country will meet at the TDU Convention in Chicago, Nov. 1-3 to share strategies for rebuilding Teamster Power and putting new leadership in the IBT.
The Convention features workshops on effective grievance handling, organizing around health and safety, taking on contract violations and production harassment, and more.
A special UPS National Meeting will be held on Sunday morning. Meet activists in the Vote No movement, shop stewards, and local union officers.
"I'll Be There"
"During contract negotiations, I turned to TDU for answers. TDU helped me get organized with other UPS Teamsters to spread our Vote No movement. I'm going to my first TDU Convention to become a more empowered, active Teamster."
Kurt Marchetta, Local 542, San Diego
UPS Retro Pay Calculator
August 9, 2013: Today is pay day—Do you know how much retro pay you are owed?
From now until management pays you your retroactive pay, you would be wise to keep track of your hours and pay owed. It will be $.70 for each straight-time hour worked or owed due to vacation or holiday (Labor Day is coming up), and $1.05 for each overtime hour.
Click here to download a handy calculator (in Microsoft Excel) to do the work for you—but you need to put down your hours each Friday, starting today!
Video: UPS Strike Anniversary
August 4, 2013: In the 1990s Teamsters stood up to UPS, and won. August 4 makes the anniversary of the start of the victorious UPS strike — a lesson in rank and file power.
On August 4, 1997, UPS Teamsters hit the streets at UPS. The '97 strike at UPS won the labor movement's biggest victory in decades.
UPS hasn't changed much since 1997, but our Teamsters Union has.
In 1997, UPS was making big profits. Today, UPS's profits are bigger than ever: $4.5 billion last year alone.
In 1997, UPS attacked our pension benefits. Today, UPS is targeting our healthcare and retiree healthcare.
In 1997, UPS fought full-time job creation. Today it's more of the same.
Our International Union once stood up to UPS and 1997 was the best example. The IBT didn't deal with the company behind closed doors. Members were informed and involved and our union took our case to the public.
Our International Union didn't try to force members to take the company's "last, best and final offer." They made the company eat those words and put a better contract on the table.
The short video America's Victory: The 1997 UPS Strike tells the story and shows what Teamster Power looks like. We had it before and we can have it again. Help make it happen. Join TDU today.
Rank and File Power at UPS
Learn the history of rank-and-file power at UPS and help make it happen. Every UPS Teamster that joins TDU will receive free copy of Rank and File Power at UPS.
Michigan Teamsters: Keep Voting No
"We collected five sheets of petition signatures calling on Hoffa and Hall to help us make major improvements in the Central Region.
"We work far too hard to earn the profits for UPS to be asked to accept a non-stellar contract."
Stu Malcolm, Steward, Local 164, Jackson, Mich.
Read more -- "The Choice at UPS: Believe in Hoffa-Hall or Believe in Yourself"
Ken Hall's Double Talk
UPDATED July 30, 2013: Ken Hall's letter on UPS contract negotiations shows both the power of the Vote No movement and the IBT's determination to try to force through healthcare cuts.
Hall's statement claims, "Because health care is contained in the National Agreement, another vote against the Supplement will not impact health care."
At the same time, Hall says that improvements are being made to enhance TeamCare health benefits—something that Hall and many local officials claimed was impossible just a few weeks ago.
Hall's double-talk and flip-flop shows both the power of the Vote No movement and the determination of the Hoffa-Hall administration to force the concessions they gave to UPS despite the company’s record profits.
Many members have reacted to the letter with anger. "We voted No to save our health benefits and win a better contract," said Nick Perry, a UPS steward from Columbus Local 413. "They need to get the message that we're not accepting givebacks to a company that made $4.5 billion."
The International Union's plan is to try to push through a Yes Vote on the supplements in a second round of bargaining by making minor enhancements in the supplements, while telling members it's impossible to maintain the same level of healthcare benefits.
The truth is that absolutely nothing stops the International Union and UPS from negotiating an agreement to maintain members' health benefits at the same level.
Without touching the national agreement, the International Union could bring the Supplemental Negotiating Committees together to demand that UPS make sufficient healthcare contributions in each supplement to maintain members' current health benefits.
What happens next will be determined by the rank and file at UPS. Hall is hoping that members fall for his scare tactics and accept the supplements.
The national contract cannot be implemented until all of the supplements are approved which gives members leverage. But that leverage will only save members' health benefits and win other contract improvements if the Vote No movement has enough strength to reject the concessions in a second round of voting on the supplements.
If you've read this far, you obviously care about this issue. Take the next step. Click here to download this Contract Update as a leaflet and pass out copies to other Teamsters.
The Choice at UPS: Believe Hoffa-Hall or Believe in Yourself
July 19, 2013: Hoffa-Hall and management want UPS Teamsters to believe that it's impossible to win a better contract. UPSers have to decide if they believe Hoffa-Hall or if they believe in themselves.
UPSers showed the power of Teamster unity by Voting No against healthcare cuts and concessions and rejecting 18 contract supplements and riders.
Hoffa-Hall and management want UPS Teamsters to believe that it's impossible to win a better contract. Their strategy for settling the contract is delay. They are waiting for members' Vote No steam to blow off.
Nearly a month has passed since the unprecedented rejection of 18 supplements and riders, and there's still no sign of a union plan. No meetings of local officers. No meetings to take proposals from members. No rallying members to win more improvements.
Instead, Ken Hall signed a contract extension with UPS and promptly went into hiding.
The hide-and-delay strategy is designed to wear members down and convince us we can't win a better contract.
Will it work? That depends on the Teamster rank and file.
In February, Hall rallied with members across the country to tell UPS, "No Way, We Won't Pay." Members took his advice and voted against a contract that would make them pay more their healthcare.
The No Vote in most of the supplements shows members are ready to stand up for a better contract. The IBT should be building on that unity and momentum, not discouraging it.
The Vote No movement has already delayed healthcare cuts for 140,000 Teamster families which were scheduled to take effect Aug. 1.
Members deserve more. They want to stop the healthcare cuts and win improvements in our supplements.
Members are sending management the message that they'll Vote No Until UPS Gets It Right with petitions, stickers and leaflets.
They're holding organizing meetings to share strategies for keeping members informed, united and ready for the next contract vote.
The only thing that will make it happen is continued solidarity from the rank and file.
Are you ready to do your part? Click here to volunteer with TDU's Make UPS Deliver network.
Central Supplement
"We collected five sheets of petition signatures calling on Hoffa and Hall to help us make major improvements in the Central Region.
"We work far too hard to earn the profits for UPS to be asked to accept a non-stellar contract."
Stu Malcolm, Steward, Local 164, Jackson, Mich.
"The health insurance and pension are key concerns but we also need to deal with other issues in the Central Supplement. The 17i language – 'and other serious offenses' needs to be removed before we even consider voting YES on our supplement.
"I was skeptical of the petitions at first, but when the first Teamster I asked to sign replied, 'Hell yes, I'll sign that. I'm so glad that you're doing this!’ My spirits brightened. The mood of my fellow Teamsters was one that paralleled mine in that they were excited and ready to stand together for contract improvements."
Josh Edmonds, Local 238, Coralville, Iowa
Southwest Rider
"My fellow UPS Teamsters, we are in round 2. Teamsters in Southern California and the Southwest are uniting to defend our healthcare, win more full-time jobs and other improvements in our supplement.
"We passed out flyers and got 110 signatures for the 'Vote No Until UPS Gets It Right' petition. It was inspiring to see many drivers and part-time employees support our cause and donate money to make more flyers and buy materials to make more signs. We are members of Teamsters Local 542 in San Diego and we are proud to be fighting for a fair contract. Solidarity!"
David Gutierrez Castaño, Local 542, San Diego
Philadelphia Local 623
"In Philadelphia, we're fighting to maintain our level of health benefits and, in our Supplement, to win more full-time jobs, protect feeder work in our local, and get a stronger grievance procedure that gives us answers instead of the runaround.
"Since Voting No, we've held a contract rally at the Airport hub, circulated the petition and we're organizing a sticker day. Our local officials are trying to discourage the members. We're working to keep members involved and united."
Bobby Curry, Local 623, Philadelphia
Stick It to UPS
"We'll Keep Voting No Until UPS Gets it Right" stickers are now available from TDU.
UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters are keeping the pressure on the company and the IBT to negotiate better health benefits and other contract improvements with petitions and bulletins with a simple message: "We'll Keep Voting No Until UPS Gets it Right."
Stickers with the same message are now available from TDU.
All UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters have the right to wear these stickers before and after your shift.
UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters who don't have customer contact can wear the stickers while on the job.
Click here to order your stickers from TDU's store.
Click here to get involved with TDU's Make UPS Deliver campaign.
"We'll Keep Voting No Until UPS Gets it Right"
July 3, 2013: UPS Teamsters have launched a petition drive asking members to pledge to Vote No until UPS delivers a better contract.
Members are working with TDU in virtually all the areas where supplements and riders were rejected to spread the word and vote down the contract again in even bigger numbers if improvements aren’t made.
UPS members have produced leaflets and petitions addressing specific issues in the supplements and riders, but the message is the same: we're united and prepared to keep Voting No until UPS gets it right.
The International union and many local officials are out spreading the lie that it is impossible to make any changes. It's only impossible if Hall doesn't bargain for them; and only continued solidarity and pressure from members can make that happen.
Click here to join TDU (and save $10 if you do it this week) and become apart of the national movement to make UPS deliver what we deserve.
"People are thirsty for information. The petition is a great way to talk with other Teamsters and get them caught up with what's happening after the solid NO vote. My first time out, I got over 100 to sign on. We're ready to vote NO again if we don't get what we deserve."
Bruce Carpenter, Local 580, Lansing, Mich.
"In Local 177 we voted our supplement down in big numbers. But, some of the people I talk to think we've already lost. If we do nothing, yeah, but not if we get out there and try. We have another vote! Members in Local 177 are working together and collecting hundreds of signatures to say: no healthcare cuts, protect our benefits and retiree healthcare. We've got power if we stand together. We already demonstrated that once, and we're prepared to do it again."
Mike Venezia, Local 177, New Jersey
Stand Up to UPS, Don't Stand on the Sidelines
Updated June 30, 2013: One thousand UPS Teamsters just held a national conference call to discuss plans to fight healthcare cuts and win a better contract.
Members in supplements across the country are passing out bulletins, planning parking lot meetings, and circulating petitions to tell Hoffa-Hall and the company: "We'll Keep Voting No Until UPS Gets it Right!"
TDU is helping to network UPS Teamsters who want to get involved with these efforts.
Now's the time to stand up for our healthcare and our contract—not stand on the sidelines.
Stand with your Teamster brothers and sisters. Click here to get involved with the campaign to Make UPS Deliver a better contract.
"We voted the UPS contract down in the Central Region by working together. We made Vote No t-shirts and passed out information at our buildings. Members got informed and involved.
"Now we've got to keep moving ahead. TDU is the only group that brings UPS Teamsters together across the country. That's why I'm TDU. Isn't it time you joined too?"
Rhonda Hanshaw, Local 413, Columbus, Ohio
Click here to join TDU.
Local Teamsters union urges UPS workers to decline new contract
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Louisville's largest employer could face a standoff with its workers.
Teamsters Local 89 is going against its national negotiators and telling UPS workers to vote "no" on a new union contract.
As the shift changes at UPS Worldport in Louisville, Dane Smith heads in with one thing in the back of his mind.
"Right now, we are very frustrated and very angry and we have worked very hard for this company, and we're asking the company to work hard for us," Smith said.
Teamsters from across the country are voting on a new five-year contract with UPS -- and Louisville's chapter is the biggest and the first to publicly say "no deal."
"We think it's a terrible contract," said Fred Zuckerman, president of Teamsters Local 89. "This company is doing very well...we were told there would not be any concessions, and it is laced with concessions."
WDRB has obtained the offer. It includes boosts in pension and pay raises of 70 cents to $1.50 per hour for part-time and full-time workers.
"It is a good deal, and we hope our employees take the time to read the factual material they've been sent and make an informed decision," said Mike Mangeot, a UPS spokesman.
Union leaders say raises will not offset a change in healthcare as the company moves to a different plan.
"As a result of that, our members will see reduced benefits and higher out-of-pocket costs, and we don't think that's fair," Zuckerman said.
"We believe that on balance, the [health care] package is very fair, and it will be good for our employees," Mangeot said.
Roughly 8,800 UPS Worldport workers -- including package handlers, loaders and drivers -- are casting their votes. It is UPS' largest operation in the world, so each ballot really matters.
Teamsters 89 of Louisville is rallying against the recommendation of its international leadership, who is encouraging UPS workers to say "yes."
Smith doesn't know which way the final vote will go, though he says he knows what's at stake.
"For me specifically, it means the ability to take care of my family," he said. "I got an 11-month-old child at home, and one on the way."
Full-timers and part-timers both receive health benefits at UPS, so both have vested interests in the new contract. A "yes" vote comes with a $1,000 bonus for Worldport workers.
The current contract expires July 31. Ballots can be cast through June 22.