A United Coalition for Change
January 8, 2015: Working Teamsters were hammered with concessions in 2014.
Organizing at the Bottom to Win at the Top
January 8, 2015: The Vote No movement showed that a majority of Teamsters in key industries oppose Hoffa-Hall's concessions.

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2015 Resolutions We Plan to Keep

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Teamster Ranks Fought Back in 2014
December 23, 2014: Teamster members fought back in 2014, taking on concessions, organizing to save their benefits, defending members' right to vote, and more. Members can look to these campaigns with hope as we organize to rebuild Teamster power in 2015.
Vote NO!
UPS Teamsters across the country united to reject a historic 18 local supplements and riders in the largest anti-concessions campaign in the U.S. UPS Freight Teamsters Voted No too. While Hoffa and Hall ultimately forced through these contracts, the Vote No movement succeeded in winning some improvements in Teamcare and laid the foundation for acampaign to win elect Teamster leadership in 2016.
With Solidarity in Spades, Vermont Bus Strike Wins Big
How do you win a good contract in a concessionary environement? Vermont bus drivers showed how it's done, uniting with riders, other unions, community and student groups to face down their own union leaders and win an 18-day strike against the Chittenden Country Transit Authority.
New York Local 804 Makes UPS Deliver
While other UPS Teamsters were fighting concessions, Local 804 members won a $400 pension increase, 150 new full-time jobs and grievance procedure reform.
Defending Teamster Democracy
TDU won the right to vote—and we’ll fight to keep it. When Hoffa moved to cancel IBT elections in 2014, members coordinated a national petition drive and collected 12,000 signatures demanding to keep the right to vote for union officers. We’ll be there to safeguard members rights throughout the election process—and we’ll be backing a strong coalition team to win new leadership in the 2016 union elections.
Members Unite to Take Back Our Union
Members proved they’re willing to organize and stand up against concessions at UPS and in freight—the same can’t be said for Hoffa and Hall. So, starting in the summer of 2014, members began to organize and hold events in New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Dayton and Louisville to unite members, stewards and officers who are committed to winning new leadership in the 2016 International election.
Rebuilding Teamster Power in Freight?
Drivers at FedEx in Charlotte, Philadelphia, and South Brunswick, NJ and at Conway in Miami, Los Angeles, and Laredo, TX voted to join the Teamsters. Is this the start of movement to organize in freight and trucking? We hope so! It’s certainly a good first step, and it should spread. Local unions and freight workers are stepping up to take action. The IBT needs to get behind this movement and help drive it to victory.
Fighting for Good Jobs & Quality Healthcare
In 2013, TDU members built a diverse reform team and took back the statewide Rhode Island Local 251. This year, they reduced salaries to put resources in member education and mobilization, held steward elections, and negotiated dozens of improved contracts. Now they’ve launched a campaign bringing together 2,500 Teamsters, patients and community allies for good jobs and quality care at Rhode Island’s biggest hospital.
Fighting for Our Pensions
TDU members formed local committees, petitioned Congress, and led a coalition campaign against proposed cuts to retirees’ already-earned pensions. Congress passed the pension cut legislation but our Campaign for Pension Justice will continue make our voices heard from Capitol Hill to the Central States Pension Fund.
Coalition for Change
The growing movement to bring new vision and leadership to the Teamsters is broader than TDU. It seeks to unite all members, stewards, officers and Teamster leaders who are committed to fighting concessions and to building a strong coalition to win in the 2016 International Election. Fred Zuckerman spoke at the TDU Convention in November which hosted the first national meet-up of the new movement.
New Activists Report on TDU Convention
November 13, 2014: The TDU Convention in Cleveland last weekend drew a record number of new participants, who were able to link up with stewards, leaders, and concerned Teamsters from across North America.
Some of the new folks, like Jeff Williams, were experienced Teamsters but new to TDU and ready to take back our union.
"Meeting rank and file Teamsters and TDU members from across the country was terrific. Seeing Fred Zuckerman talking about building a coalition with other great leaders at the convention brought a tear to my eye. WE can take back our union!"
Some were elected stewards aiming to gain new skills, like Kirk Sikora.
"Thanks to TDU for hosting such an eye opening convention. The workshops were highly interactive. The “Ask the Expert” session was tremendously useful. It was my first convention and I will be back."
Some were younger Teamsters –the future of our union -- like Imani Vidal.
"As an alternate shop steward, the TDU convention provided me with useful info and dialog. It gave me a boost for believing in the right to be treated as a human being in the workplace. It was a great bonding experience with folks from Local 804 and Teamsters nationwide. I recommend it to all Teamsters."
All of them left ready to build TDU and the movement for a new direction in our union.
Education & Inspiration at the 2014 TDU Convention
Teamster members, officers and stewards packed the Cleveland Airport Sheraton Hotel for three days of education, strategizing and solidarity.
Members packed workshops to build skills on organizing and defending themselves on the job
“Our contract campaign is about putting our members first -- and our patients first.” -- Brooke Reeves, Rhode Island Local 251 and a leader of the campaign for Good Jobs & Quality Care at Rhode Island Hospital.
“Hoffa and Hall have been dishonest with Teamsters. They’ve negotiated weak contracts and imposed concessions. And that's why they’ve got to go in 2016.” -- Fred Zuckerman, President of Louisville Local 89
“Members voted NO in record numbers to reject concessions at YRC, UPS, and UPS Freight. By voting NO these members are saying YES to union power. They’re saying YES change in our union.” -- Tim Sylvester, President of New York Local 804
Teamsters held a Black Caucus meeting to share ideas for developing African Americans as leaders in our union.
What's on Tap at the TDU Convention
Online registration is now closed. If you need to register for the TDU Convention, please call our office at 313-842-2600.
Want to learn how to build union power and organize for change? The TDU Convention is the place to meet Teamsters who are doing just that.
The TDU Convention will feature Teamster leaders, grassroots organizers and other activists who are building union power, including.
Veterans of the Save the 250 Campaign
Local 804 members took on UPS and won the jobs back of 250 drivers that management fired for a walkout in New York City.
Rhode Island Reformers
One year ago, the 251 United Action Slate took office in the 5,500 member Local 251 in Rhode Island. Find out how they’re rebuilding union power.
Take Back Our Union
Teamster leaders Sandy Pope, Fred Zuckerman, Tim Sylvester, Tony Jones and others will be there to talk with members about our union’s direction and what can be done about it.
Save Our Unions Author
Labor organizer turned author Steve Early’s new book Save Our Unions tells the stories of workers and union leaders who are organizing to turn the labor movement around. Early will speak and lead a workshop discussion on what they’re doing.
Education for Union Power
The TDU Convention features educational workshops on grievance handling, organizing, union rights, and more. For a look at some of this year’s workshops, click here.
You can register here or simply call 313-842-2600.
TDU Convention & the 2016 Election
Online registration is now closed. If you need to register for the TDU Convention, please call our office at 313-842-2600.
Teamsters who are looking for new leadership and a new direction in our union in 2016 will be making plans at the TDU Convention, Nov. 7-9.
In 2014, Teamsters Voted No in massive numbers to reject concessions at UPS, UPS Freight, and in the freight industry.
Will 2016 be the year that members vote for new leadership and a new direction in our International Union?
That topic is on the mind of Teamster activists across the country—and it will be on the agenda of the TDU Convention, Nov. 7-9 in Cleveland.
Teamster local union leaders Sandy Pope, Fred Zuckerman, Tim Sylvester, and Tony Jones have been meeting with Teamsters across the country and they will all be attending the TDU Convention.
To win in 2016, it will take a coalition effort and rank-and-file Teamsters who are ready to get involved, build local campaign committees, run for delegate to the IBT Convention and more.
The TDU Convention will include workshops and discussions like: How Teamster Elections Work and What it Will Take to Win in 2016, Running for IBT Convention Delegate and TDU and the 2016 Teamster Election.
You do not have to be a TDU member to attend the Convention. But you do need to register in advance.
Saturday-only registration is available. Speakers on Saturday include Sandy Pope, Fred Zuckerman and Tim Sylvester as well as Teamsters speaking about the Vote No movement, the attack on pensions, and Teamster reform.
The TDU Convention also features workshops on contract enforcement, grievance handling, pensions, rank-and-file organizing, Teamster elections and more.
To find out more about the TDU Convention, call TDU at 313-842-2600 or click here to send us a message and we’ll call you.
Click here to register for the Convention.
Workshops, Education & Inspiration
The TDU Convention, Nov. 7-9 at the Cleveland Airport Sheraton, features the best Teamster educational programs in our union.
We will be posting a Convention program guide and schedule soon.
For now, here’s a sneak peak at some of the workshops and meetings at this year’s Convention.
Contract Enforcement & Grievance Handling
Beating the Boss in Discipline Cases
Winning Your UPS Grievances at Panel or Arbitration
Dealing with Difficult Supervisors
Legal Rights & Pensions
Labor Law for Teamster Members
Defending Our Pensions from the Central States to Capitol Hill
Organizing for Union Power
Organizing a Winning Contract Campaign
Bridging the Teamster Generational Divide: Getting Members Involved & Working Together
Using Facebook & Social Media to Organize Teamsters
Building Part-Time Power at UPS
Teamster Elections
TDU and the 2016 Election
Running for Convention Delegate
The 2016 Teamster Election—How it Works; What it Will Take to Win
To find out more about the TDU Convention, call us at 313-842-2600 or click here and we’ll get in touch with you.
Click here to register for the TDU Convention.
TDU Convention, Nov. 7-9, Cleveland
Get the tools you need to enforce our contracts, defend our benefits, and build a stronger union.