Teamsters & The Right to Vote
Teamsters Raise the Stakes with Solidarity—and Win
September 24, 2014: Teamsters at the Twin River Casino took a gamble that solidarity could beat corporate greed at Twin River Casino. Now they’ve beaten the house.
The money never stops flowing at Twin River Casino, the largest gambling and entertainment venue in Rhode Island.
Happy Labor Day Weekend
August 29, 2014: Happy Labor Day Weekend, from your brothers and sisters in Teamsters for a Democratic Union.
On Labor Day, we celebrate the union movement—the folks that brought you the weekend, the 8-hour day, retirement with dignity and the middle class.
Employers and corporate politicians want to roll these gains back. To defend them, we’ve got to put more movement back in the labor movement. That’s what TDU is all about.
Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends. Wear your Teamster colors proudly at the Labor Day Parade. Then let’s hit the ground running this fall working to rebuild union power.
TDU members are gearing up for our 2014 Convention in Cleveland from November 7-9.
Now’s the time to book your travel and make plans to attend 3-days of the best educational workshops for Teamsters around and join the growing movement to Take Back Our Union.
Click here to register for the 2014 TDU Convention today. Or give us a call at 313-842-2600.
We've Topped 12,000!
Updated September 12, 2014: More than 12,000 Teamsters have signed the petition to save the Right to Vote for International Union officers. There's still time to make our voices heard.
Hoffa administration lawyers are filing a motion before Federal Judge Loretta Preska in a bid to curtail fair, independently supervised elections in the Teamsters.
More than 12,000 Teamsters have signed petitions to save the Right to Vote for International Union officers. This includes more than 4,000 Teamsters who have signed our online petition as well as 8,000 petition signatures that have been collected by TDU members.
What Happens Next
The Hoffa administration is filing papers with Judge Preska. Later in September, Judge Preska is expected to meet with attorneys for the Hoffa administration and the U.S. Attorney.
Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) will present our position to the court—and we will deliver petition signatures from over 10,000 members. A decision from the Judge could come in early Fall.
Help defend the Right to Vote.
Sign the petition online and make your voice heard.
Copy and Email this link to your friends sharing it on your Facebook wall.
Mail your completed petitions immediately to:
PO Box 10128
Detroit, MI 48210
If you’d like to learn more about this important issue, contact TDU at 313-842-2600 or info [at] We’ll be happy to answer your questions and let you know how you can be involved in the work to defend Teamsters’ right to vote.
Louisville Take Back Our Union Meeting Slideshow
Take Back Our Union!
August 11, 2014: Over 200 Teamsters turned out on August 9 in Louisville, Kentucky and Dayton, Ohio to hear Fred Zuckerman, Sandy Pope, Tim Sylvester and Tony Jones talk about the growing coalition to take back our union in 2016.
The meetings were sponsored by Take Back Our Union.
The Dayton meeting drew Teamsters from Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Akron, Columbus and Lima, Ohio, as well as Dayton, and a few who made the trip from Indianapolis.
A packed hall in Louisville showed their agreement with the speakers that our union is going in the wrong direction and it’s time for a change. Members from Local 89 were the largest contingent but there were also Teamsters attending from Atlanta Local 728, Chattanooga Local 519, Paducah, Kentucky Local 236, Owensboro, Kentucky Local 215 and a carload from Columbus, Ohio Local 413.
Each speaker spoke to aspects of what it will take to win: a grassroots mobilization, getting delegates elected at the local level, member-to-member contact and info distribution, fundraising, organizing ongoing campaign committees, local meetings, and so much more.
Sandy Pope, the president of New York Local 805, ran for General President in 2011 and has a long record of experience and service to our union. Fred Zuckerman, president Louisville Local 89, was an outspoken critic of concessions in the recent UPS contract. Tony Jones is the president of Columbus Local 413; he and Zuckerman ran for International vice president in 2011. Tim Sylvester is the president of New York Local 804, where he and an active membership won the best UPS contract supplement in the country.
Click here to view a slideshow of photos from the Louisville meeting.
Take Back Our Union in Louisvile
Got Union: New York Dairy Teamsters Taking Back Their Local
June 13, 2014: A group of rank-and-file reformers, Local 584 Members First, are organizing to empower members, defend their jobs, and take back their union.
Chicago TDU Members Meet With Supporters
June 13, 2014: The Chicago TDU Chapter hosted a discussion and fundraiser for TRF (TDU’s nonprofit educational sister organization) on May 17 with Ken Paff, TDU’s National Organizer. The event drew TDU members, supporters of Teamster reform, and allies from other unions and netted $2,600 for TRF.
New York TDU Chapter Bowls for Teamster Reform
June 13, 2014: The NY Chapter raised more than $6,000 at a Bowl-athon in May. Members sold raffle tickets to help pay a $500 team-entrance fee and team captains recruited more than 60 bowlers.