Celebrate Labor Day With 25% off a TDU Membership
August 30, 2013: We're celebrating Labor Day weekend with 25% off TDU memberships. Join the group that gives Teamsters reliable news on our contracts and union, and helps members unite against givebacks.
This Labor Day Weekend only, a one-year TDU membership is just $30. A three-year membership is just $75.
Already a member, register online for the TDU Convention and get $25 off your Convention registration.
Join TDU for 25% off. Offer expires after Labor Day.
Get $25 off your TDU Convention Registration.
Get FREE registration to the TDU Convention by recruiting five new TDU members by Oct. 1.
Building Teamster Power Conference
Building Teamster Power Conference
Sponsored by Teamsters for a Democratic Union
Sunday, Sept 15.
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
CUNY Law School
Long Island City, N.Y.
Join Teamsters from New York and throughout the Northeast for a day of union education and strategizing about rebuilding Teamster Power.
Workshops include:
- Shop Steward Grievance Training
- Building Union Power by Getting Members Involved
- Labor Law for Union Members
- Defending Teamster Pensions & Benefits
- Beating Harassment and Enforcing Our Rights at UPS
- Fighting Back at UPS—What Happens Next?
Guest speakers include:
Sandy Pope, Teamsters Local 805 President
Ken Paff, TDU National Organizer
Includes free lunch and all workshop materials.
Click here to download a leaflet and registration form.
CUNY Law School is located at 2 Court Square, Long Island City, N.Y.
Trains: E, M, G & 7 and LIRR
This event is co-sponsored by the CUNY Law School Labor Coalition.
Click here for parking and directions info.
Questions? Want to register? Click here to send a question or to RSVP or call TDU at 718-287-3283.
Teamster Members Organize for Change
September 3, 2013: Members are saying NO to contract givebacks and weak representation, and YES to rebuilding union power.
Employers and the Hoffa administration have served up a steady diet of concessionary contracts. But members are starting to organize for change. And it's catching on.
The industries and contracts may be different but the pattern is the same. Members have organized Vote No campaigns to fight contract givebacks at Gate Gourmet, Republic Airways, ABF, UPS and UPS Freight.
Some national contracts, including Gate Gourmet and UPS Freight, have been rejected entirely. Elsewhere, the national contract has squeaked by but members have rejected contract supplements and continue to fight for improvements.
Maybe most importantly, members are finding their voice and getting organized. They're distributing bulletins, building committees and teaming up with other Teamsters.
After joining the Teamsters to win respect on the job, 2,500 Rhode Island Hospital workers had all but given up on the idea of union power. Their assistant business agent was a leader of the original management-backed committee that tried to keep the union out of the Hospital.
Instead of giving up, they teamed up with other Local 251 members and are running to take back their local as the United Action Slate.
Members are charting a similar course in Philadelphia. After overwhelmingly voting NO to reject givebacks at UPS, Local 623 members are organizing for contract improvements and a stronger local.
"Members want union leaders that will stand up to UPS," said Bobby Curry, a Vote No leader who is now heading the Integrity Slate. "We're tired of being disrespected by this company and by our own union officials."
By saying No to contract givebacks and weak union representation, members are saying YES to rebuilding union power.
Teamsters for a Democratic Union is Teamsters helping Teamsters to defend our contracts and benefits and organize for our rights.
Contact TDU to find out what's happening in your area or how you can be part of a growing movement for change.
TDU is Growing—Want to be Part of Making it Happen?
August 23, 2013: TDU is growing, and it's no secret why.
The Hoffa-Hall IBT leadership has failed, and Teamsters who want to do something about it realize that as isolated individuals, we are powerless to change the union. The only way to make it happen is if we're organized: that's what Teamsters for a Democratic Union is all about.
The biggest face plant by Hoffa and Hall has been negotiating the national contracts this year: UPS, ABF and UPS Freight. All three have been done behind the backs of members, and have led to concessions and give-backs.
Teamsters at Republic Airlines and Gate Gourmet have just experienced the Hoffa administration's rotten bargaining, too.
But you don't have to work under a national contract to see that our union is moving in the wrong direction. Teamsters from every industry are looking for an alternative—and the only way to make change is with a nationwide organization with staying power. The next IBT election is three years away, but the time to start building for it is now.
How to Build TDU and Help Take Back Our Union
We asked a few members who have recruited Teamsters to TDU lately for their own tips on how to do it. Here are few we heard:
One at a Time
Start with a goal of recruiting just one person to TDU. Approach someone you know wants change in our union. Ask them directly to join TDU, and tell them why in your own words. When you get one, keep going. The worst thing that can happen is someone may say no, but even then, they will appreciate being asked.
Make it easy
If they say yes, then ask them to fill in the application, and then you mail it in for them. We're all busy and sometimes we put things off, so make it easy for them. This is key. Some people say yes, but don’t have the money at the time. If you know or work with the person, it's fine to say "pay me after pay day" and take the application and come back later for the money. And of course TDU takes credit cards.
Give a Reason
Give your reasons to join. Such as: do you value having an alternative voice and choice in national IBT elections, help with your rights, and a national network at contract time? Use your own reasons. The key is to be direct and honest.
Want to know more?
TDU will help you with materials, ideas and more. Join and become part of the TDU Builders Network.
"New Chicago TDU members are asking me 'How can I get others to join?' When recruiting to TDU, I tell members about our history like how we won the right to vote. That's what got me to join. And you have to be direct and ask.
"It's important members know their rights and build organizing skills, and you learn those at the workshops at the TDU Convention."
Gina Alvarez, Local 743, Chicago
TDU Steering Committee Trustee
Education for Union Power
November 1 - 3, Chicago
Get the education and information we need to defend our rights, organize to win stronger contracts and rebuild Teamster Power.
Secrets of a Successful Organizer: Learn the best tools for getting members involved, identifying issues and building power on the job.
Stonewalling in the Grievance Procedure—And How to Beat It: Tactics for resolving your grievance when your boss—or BA—is trying to put you off.
Defending Healthcare: As costs rise and companies demand concessions, how can members organize to protect their health care and bargain stronger benefits? The impact of Obamacare on Teamster health plans.
- Special Meetings: UPS, freight, rail, warehouse, bus drivers, public employees and other industries. Plus caucus meetings for African American, Latino and Women Teamsters.
I'll Be There!
"The TDU Convention brings together Teamster officers, stewards and rank-and-file members who want to rebuild the Teamsters as a fighting union.
"It's time for a new direction. I hope to see you in Chicago this November."
Sandy Pope, President Local 805, New York
Save on Convention Registration
Take the Recruitment Challenge
Recruit 5 new members to TDU by Oct. 1 and get a free registration to the Convention. Click here and call 313-842-2600 to learn more.
Register Early
Register by October 1 and save $25. Register online or by calling 313-842-2600.
Happy Independence Day!
TDU wishes all Teamster brothers and sister and their families a happy 4th of July.
$10 Off TDU Membership. EXTENDED! Join Today.
July 8, 2013: To celebrate the Vote No movement against contract givebacks, Teamsters can get $10 off the cost of a TDU membership. SPECIAL OFFER ENDS MIDNIGHT TUESDAY.
Tens of thousands of Teamsters at UPS, UPS Freight and ABF have said NO to concessions and yes to a stronger union.
But it will take more than just voting No to rebuild Teamster power.
Right now, TDU is coordinating with UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters across the country to fight for better contracts.
The resources of our grassroots movement are stretched to the limit. If you value the information you get from TDU and you want a strong, independent movement against weak contracts, then now is the time to join TDU.
Join today and you can save $10 off your TDU membership. That's just $30 for an annual membership. For $75 sign up for three years, a $20 discount off our regular cost.
Your TDU dues will be used to inform members and organize for better contracts.
Already a member? Click here to donate to TDU.
Register NOW for the 2013 TDU Convention!
2013 TDU Convention
November 1-3, 2013, Chicago
Join Teamsters from across the country at the TDU Convention in Chicago.
Meet Teamster reformers, attend educational workshops and talk about what we can do to defend our contracts and organize for a stronger Teamsters Union.
Take the TDU Recruitment Challenge and we'll waive your registration fee. Click here to learn more.
The TDU Convention features the best educational programs in the Teamsters. Officers, labor educators and attorneys lead workshops on strategic grievance handling, member-to-member organizing, running for local union office, pensions and more.
Don't be left in the dark. Stay informed on the latest developments on pensions, defending healthcare, and inside the labor movement.
Join Teamsters from across the country and every jurisdiction who are taking action to stand up to employers and rebuild our union's power.
We'll Be There!
Unity and Inspiration
"At the TDU convention you realize you're not alone. You meet Teamsters from every industry and every place who care about standing up for working people and building a stronger union."
Claudette Begin, Local 2010, Berkeley, Calif.
Welcome Back to Chicago
"The TDU Convention is the place to be to network with others Teamsters and share strategies for standing up to management and enforcing our contract."
Craig Karnia, Local 705, Chicago
Plan to Protect Our Pensions
"TDU is taking the lead in bringing Teamsters and retirees to fight to save our pensions. Meet the Teamsters who are stepping up to the plate and find out how you can help defend your retirement."
Michael Savwoir, Local 41, St. Louis
An Educated Teamster is a Strong Teamster
"TDU provides the best union education hands down. I came to the Convention frustrated with how weak my local was becoming. I left with tools I could immediately put to work to start to turn things around."
Stephen Mohan, Local 584, New York
Convention Details
The Convention will begin on Friday at 1PM and end Sunday at 3:30PM.
All events will be held at the Chicago Holiday Inn O'Hare (5615 North Cumberland Avenue).
All rooms must be reserved directly through TDU.
Call TDU at (313) 842-2600 or use the link below to register today.
TDU Members on the Move
There's not enough movement in the labor movement. But TDU members are working to turn that around.
We're organizing to fight for better contracts, defend our benefits, and train a new generation of union activists.
We can't do it without you. That's why we're asking you to do your part by donating to our 2013 Fund Drive.
CLICK HERE to sign up for a monthly credit card or debit card donation, or make a one-time donation. A small monthly contribution is easy on your wallet but fuels TDU with a steady stream of monthly income.
"TDU helped us build a movement for change in Local 804, one of the largest UPS locals in the country. In a tough economy, we just won a $400 a month pension increase."
Ralston Boswell, UPS, Local 804, New York City
More than 800 members filled their Local Union meeting in Providence to vote on measures giving members more power in their local.
"TDU is helping us take back our union."
Paul Santos, R.I. Hospital, Local 251, Providence
"TDU helped me blow the whistle on UPS safety violations and win $100,000 in damages and back pay." UPS fired feeder driver John Youngermann for refusing to drive unsafe equipment. John won his job back with full backpay. Then he sued UPS and won $100,000—the largest award ever for a truck safety whistleblower.
John Youngermann, UPS, Local 688, Saint Charles, Missouri
"TDU is the only reliable source of pension information we've got. I count on TDU to give me the facts and help us hold the line against threats to our retirement."
Michelle Glessner, ABF, Local 957, Dayton, Ohio
Information is power. More than 150 Teamsters turned out for a recent TDU Education Conference.
"It was like a boot camp for union members who want to fight back in the war on workers."
Kenny Yuen, Steward, Tops Moving & Storage
Local 805, New York City
Your Contract Voter's Guide: The Teamster Voice
The current issue of Teamster Voice is hitting the streets with detailed analysis on key contract issues and what members are saying—and doing—to help inform co-workers.
In the coming weeks, national contracts covering more than 300,000 members will be voted on. There’s still time to get the word out, network with members in your area, and organize for the stronger contracts we deserve.
Click here to order your bundle of this special issue and join thousands of Teamsters who are helping inform members across the country.
If you aren't yet a TDU member and would like to check out this issue for yourself, click here to download and read an electronic copy of the whole issue.
This all-in-one guide includes:
- Members organizing against healthcare givebacks
- Why the proposed contract doesn’t deliver on technology harassment and dishonesty
- Part-timers sold out by empty promises from the International
- How the International wants to use the agreement to strip local union’s power to enforce the contract, and more
UPS Freight
- Members are organizing to reject against a substandard contract
- Proposed contact concessions include smaller wage increases than last contract, frozen pensions, and a new second tier Line Haul Driver Board
- Summary of key contract changes
- What members are saying on the wage givebacks, subcontracting, and new technology language
TDU membership includes a year's subscription to Teamster Voice. Click here to join and subscribe today.