Unions are Punching Back
The labor movement is on the move against givebacks and inequality. Teamster members deserve leadership that’s in the fight, not on the sidelines.
Read moreWhat's Next for Freight
Freight members long for a return to union power on the job. Recent contracts at ABF and YRC companies have begun to staunch the flow of givebacks, but we’re in for a long haul to win the wages, benefits and working conditions we deserve.
Read moreBuilding from Below to Win at the Top
Teamsters are coming together to share organizing skills, form teams who are running for office, and make plans for winning new Teamster leadership.
Read more9.5 Rights & Wrongs Under the New Contract
Under the new contract, the 9.5 list is under the control of our union.
Read moreUPS Teamsters: Protect Yourself on an OJS
How to protect yourself when management gets on your truck—whether it’s a one-day production ride or a three-day OJS.
Read moreHoffa's 20 Year Report Card
The Teamster magazine and IBT website feature a ten-page puff piece on “20 years of Hoffa.” But no one believes the hype. What does a real Hoffa report card look like?
Read moreHow Members Saved Their Local
A huge contract victory shows what union reform and rank-and-file organizing can achieve.
Read moreMembers Organize to Ban Contract Brownouts
Fed up with information brownouts and contract givebacks, Teamster members in Philadelphia Local 623 and Memphis Local 667 won changes to put more member involvement in contract negotiations by reforming their local union’s bylaws.
Read moreViewpoint: Uniting to Win
Hoffa-Hall are playing politics with our contracts and Teamsters are paying the price.
Read moreUsing Grievances to Organize
Grievances are our tool for enforcing the contract. But grievances can also be used to get members involved. Here are five proven tips for using grievances to build union power.
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