UPS/UPS Freight Vote for Strike Authorization
UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters have both voted overwhelmingly to authorize the IBT to call a strike if necessary to win a fair contract. UPS Teamsters approved strike authorization by 93.19% UPS Freight Teamsters approved strike authorization by 91.26%.
Read moreUPS & UPS Freight Strike Vote Results
The results of the UPS and UPS Freight strike authorization vote will be released on Tuesday night. Members can join a conference call at 8pm Eastern to hear the results, or you can watch the results live online.
Read moreVote Yes for UPS/UPSF Strike Authorization by Sunday Night Deadline
UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters have until Sunday night to increase our union’s bargaining leverage by Voting Yes in the strike authorization vote.
Read moreUPS/UPSF Strike Authorization Vote
Ballots are being mailed today on voting to give strike authorization to the IBT at UPS and UPS Freight. We urge all Teamsters to Vote Yes—download and distribute new UPS and UPS Freight bulletins to spread the word.
Contract Negotiations Update
Teamsters United has launched the UPS Teamsters United website with news and updates about the UPS and UPS Freight contracts, including a detailed update on last week's contract negotiations.
Read moreTeamsters Prepare for Contract at UPS Freight
One year out from the expiration of the contract, UPS Freight Teamsters are getting organized to win a far better contract than they’ve seen over the nearly ten years they’ve been in the union. Teamsters United and TDU are helping stewards, concerned active members, and some dedicated officers to lay out a grassroots effort to make gains in the 2018 contract.
Read moreTeamsters Organize 40,000 New Members in 2008
December 3, 2008: The International Union announced it will achieve the organizing goal of 40,000 new members in 2008.
UPS Freight was the single largest company organized by our union this year. Twelve thousand UPS Freight drivers and dockworkers joined the Teamsters this year. More than 8,700 First Student workers also joined the Teamsters this year as well as 8,500 United Airlines mechanics.
We’ll have the chance to maintain this momentum in the coming year by pushing for Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for workers to form a union. Teamsters need to be in the front lines pushing for this legislation’s passage.
More Teamster organizing can mean more Teamster Power if we win strong contracts that bring the nonunion competition up to union scale.
At UPS Freight, the new contract allowed the company to keep the 12,000 new Teamsters out of union pension and medical plans. UPS Freight also maintained substandard work rules that other Teamster freight employers pushed for and won in the 2008 National Master Freight Contract.
It’s good to see the membership numbers of our Teamsters Union growing. We can grow Teamster Power too—passing the Employee Free Choice Act, organizing the nonunion competition in our core industries, and launching strategic contract campaigns to bring newly organized companies up to union scale.
Click here to sign a petition in favor of the Employee Free Choice Act.