The TDU ISC—Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TDU International Steering Committee and how does it work? Who can be elected to the ISC? Get your answers here.

What does it mean to be on the TDU Steering Committee (ISC)?

The ISC is the leadership body (of 15 members and 3 alternates) of TDU between conventions, and will meet in Detroit about quarterly, and will serve for one year until our 2021 Convention.  

The ISC works with the National Organizer and with our staff. Meetings are held quarterly, and there are regular mailings and communications between meetings.

You probably know that there is no salary.  But there is also some expense. You have to get to Detroit for quarterly meetings, usually on a Saturday, with a partial subsidy for travel.

During the pandemic, we are holding all of our meetings by video conference (Zoom).

What are the qualifications?

We are looking for TDU builders. We’re looking for young and old, and a diverse team that represents our movement. As you expect, some of the main leaders of TDU will be candidates, and we need their experience to help guide our movement.  But we also need new people, new leaders.

Who’s on the TDU Steering Committee now, and are they running again?

We expect that most of our current ISC members will run again, and usually a few do not. So we have a mix of our established leaders and new people.

The current ISC members are:

Dave Bernt, Chicago Local 705
Frank Halstead, Los Angeles Local 572
Nick Perry, Columbus Local 413
Antonio Suazo, Rhode Island Local 251

National Organizer:
Ken Paff

Gina Alvarez, Chicago Local 743
Willie Hardy, Memphis Local 667
John Palmer, San Antonio Local 657

Committee Members:
Emily Butt, Detroit Local 243
Dan Campbell, Milwaukee Local 200
Daniel Ginsberg-Jaeckle, Chicago Local 705
Brooke Reeves, Rhode Island Local 251
Bryan Trafford, Louisville Local 89
Julian Tysh, New York Local 814
Jerry Yarbrough, Memphis Local 667

Stefan Ostrach, Oregon Local 206
Tom Schlutow, Albany Local 294
Eugene Braswell, New York Local 804

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