2021 TDU Convention—October 1-3, Chicago

The TDU Convention will be back—live and in person!  Make your plans to be there, October 1-3, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near Chicago O’Hare Airport, just two weeks prior to the mailing of ballots in the IBT election.  

Our movement is on the verge of winning a new direction for our union. At the Convention, we’ll gear up to get out the vote and discuss opportunities, challenges and plans for our International Union after we’ve elected the OZ-Teamsters United Slate. 

Join Teamster activists and reformers from across our union for three days of strategic planning, the best union education, and solidarity. 

We expect that by fall, it will be possible to gather in-person and we’re making plans on that basis. The Crowne Plaza is a much bigger hotel which will allow us to hold a bigger Convention while following all social distancing guidelines that may be in place. 

Registration will open soon. Mark your calendar, and plan to be there. 

Click here to qualify for a $25 discount when early registration opens.

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