Box 10303, Detroit, MI 48210 | 7437 Michigan Ave, Detroit MI 48210 | (313) 842-2615
TDU’s sister organization, the Teamster Rank and File Education and Legal Defense Foundation (TRF), is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit charitable foundation, dedicated to providing Teamster members with the tools they need to fight for justice on the job and a stronger, more democratic Teamsters union.
Since its formation in 1977, TRF has provided grassroots education and leadership development programs to help Teamster members win important advances, including better national agreements, better pensions, legislation to make Teamster work safer, and direct rank-and-file election of top Teamsters officers.
TRF’s programs are grounded in the traditions of solidarity and participatory democracy that lie at the heart of all progressive social movements. The gains won by reform leaders in the Teamsters have benefited working people as a whole—reflecting our vision that unions can be a progressive force for all working people.
TRF’s work is made possible by the generous donations from Teamster members—and from supporters who share our vision of a labor movement that uses rank-and-file power to fight for all working people.
We have also been fortunate to gain the support of progressive, pro-labor community/social change foundations. TRF has never and will never solicit or accept any funds from any employer-related or anti-labor sources.
For more information about tax-exempt organizations, including TRF, go to Our Federal I.D. is 38-2883689.
To show your support for our efforts to build a stronger Teamsters Union from the bottom up, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to TRF online today.
Donate to TRF and help Teamsters build a stronger union from the bottom up.