9.5 Lists Will Automatically Renew on January 16

Because of the COVID pandemic and social distancing requirements, UPS and the International Union have agreed to renew the 9.5 list that was in effect until November 15 when 9.5 rules go back into effect on January 16.


The 9.5 list that was in effect on November 15 will be in effect from January 16 to June 15. (Unless the MOU is extended, the Union will circulate a new 9.5 list to turn in to management on June 5.)

Eligible drivers may add or delete their names from the list as per the contract. UPS has been paying 9.5 grievances and all eligible drivers are advised to get on the list, file grievances, and collect their penalty pay. 

Under the contract givebacks rejected by the members, but imposed by Hoffa and Denis Taylor, 22.4 drivers have no 9.5 rights. UPS has exploited this concession to the max during this pandemic. 

This disgrace needs to be reversed in the next UPS contract. We cannot allow the company to continue to maintain a permanent second class of package car drivers with lower pay and no protections from excessive overtime. 

United, and with new leadership, we can reverse the 22.4 giveback that was imposed over the No vote of the membership.9.5Memo-MOU12-4-2020-CleanVersion.png

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