Carhaulers to Vote in May on Contract Extension

Carhaulers will vote on a proposed national contract extension in mid-May by internet voting. The International Union is recommending a Yes vote, to extend the contract until May 31, 2022.

Check out the monetary terms of the proposed extension

The Notice of Referendum should be posted on all carhaul union bulletin boards. It indicates that voting will open in early May, and will close on Friday, May 21.

All members covered by the National Automobile Transporters Agreement are eligible to vote. Members who are on withdrawal from the union, but on recall status for a covered employer may vote.  

Members will receive instructions and a Voter Access Code via US Mail. If you have not received this by May 11, you should contact your local union. The internet voting will be conducted by BallotPoint Election Services.

The proposed agreement contains wage increases (45c in most hourly rates, 1.8% for full and frozen mileage, and 2c per running mile) and maintenance of benefits. Members should read the proposal to be informed. 

If ratified, the contract will expire on May 31, 2022. Then a new contract will be negotiated by the new leadership of the International union elected this November. 

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