Central States Fund: $16.1 Billion

The Central States Pension Fund’s Financial and Analytical Report for year-end 2015 shows assets of $16.1 billion – up $200 million in the 4th quarter, but down nearly $1.8 billion for the year. 


The US stock market had a bad year in 2015, and the CSPF portfolio did the same. The S&P 500 index of US stocks lost nearly 1% (-.9%) on the year, and the CSPF lost about the same (-.81%). The fund had a fourth quarter bump of 3.17%, as the stock market took an upturn.

The report indicate there are 60,000 active members and 205,000 retirees, both slightly down. If Hoffa gets his way, more corporations will be allowed to exit, and the situation will deteriorate. 

Related Stories: How Independent is Central States “Independent Counsel”? and Who Dropped the Ball on Wall Street’s Losses for Retirees.

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