Central States Trustee Promises Move to Withdraw Pension Cut Plan!

Standing before 300 active and retired Teamsters at a meeting of the Cincinnati Area Teamsters Retiree Club, Bill Lichtenwald – Central States Fund Trustee -- stated he would put a motion forward at the next Central States Trustees meeting to withdraw the Plan Reduction submitted to the Treasury Department and allow for another year before putting forward any new proposal. 


A motion to withdraw would give the IBT, Teamster locals and also active and retired Teamsters involved in the campaign to protect our pensions, breathing space to continue to build the movement and formulate alternatives to the proposed cuts. Lichtenwald sits on the Board with three other Teamster trustees and four Trustees representing contributing employers. The goal would be to get a motion passed with the support of the other Teamster Trustees – Chuck Whobrey, George Westley and Marvin Knopp.

Lichtenwald heard plenty from angry retirees and Teamsters

Pension Protection Committees throughout the Central States need to contact Lichtenwald regarding this promise and encourage him to make it happen. Committees and concerned Teamsters also need to press the other Teamster Trustees for their support. It’s also time for James Hoffa and the IBT to call on the Trustees to make this happen.  

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