COVID-19: TeamCare News & Benefits

TeamCare has issued a detailed bulletin and Q&A with information about COVID-19, including what to do if you feel sick, testing, and eligibility for short-term disability benefits.

Image: Stefan Woidig, Creative Commons

As TDU reported yesterday, Teamsters covered by TeamCare are eligible for short-term disability benefits if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are directed to self-quarantine by a medical professional. Teamsters who are on lay-off, leave of absence, or are terminated are not eligible for short-term disability. 

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Who is Covered?

TeamCare covers 212,000 Teamsters and 8,000 retirees. This includes a majority of UPS Teamsters and also many thousands of Teamsters in the Central and Southern regions. 

We urge all Teamsters covered by the plan to read the TeamCare bulletinIf you are a participant in another Health Fund, you should contact that Fund for information. 

Highlights of the TeamCare Bulletin include: 

What To Do if You Feel Sick

Teladoc physicians are available by phone or video 24/7 to evaluate your symptoms from your home which will allow you to minimize exposure to others. 

There is no cost to the member for using Teladeoc. 

If a higher level of care is determined to be needed by the physician, Teladoc will navigate you to the appropriate resource (primary care physician, hospital etc.) 

More information is available at


If COVID-19 testing is recommended, TeamCare will cover medically necessary diagnostic tests that are consistent with CDC guidance related to COVD-19.  

Tests are in short supply now. Additional testing through Quest Diagnostics and CVS is being developed and TeamCare reports it should be available shortly. Information will be updated on when this testing is available. 


TeamCare will cover all medically necessary care and treatment under the specific benefit levels of your plan. You should refer to your Plan Benefit Profile at MyTeamCare.Org

Short-Term Disability Benefits If You Have COVID-19

You are eligible for short-term disability benefits if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are directed to self-quarantine by a medical professional.

Teamsters who on are lay-off, leave of absence, or terminated are not eligible for short-term disability.

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you must complete the Coronavirus Short-Term Disability Claim Form. Short-term disability benefits will not be paid at the same time that you are receiving paid leave. 

UPS and UPS Freight employees must also call Aetna at 866-825-0186 to initiate your leave with UPS. 

All members in Rhode Island and New Jersey should initiate their disability benefits through their state programs. 

Short-Term Disability Benefits If You Self-Quarantine

If you have been told to self-quarantine, TeamCare will provide short-term disability benefits provided that you have a medical requirement to self-quarantine from Teladoc, a qualified healthcare professional, or a state or federal health agency. Affected members should complete the Coronavirus Short-Term Disability Claim Form.

Teamsters who are on lay-off, leave of absence, or terminated are not eligible for short-term disability.

What are My Short-Term Disability Benefits

You need to consult your specific plan for the details of your short-term disability benefits.

Short-term disability benefits for UPSers provide 60 percent of average weekly base pay up to $500 per week for up to 26 weeks, and includes continued health benefits.

Short-term disability benefits for freight, carhaul and other Teamsters under the C-6 Plan provide $300 per week for the first 10 weeks and $350 per week for the next 16 weeks (maximum of 26 weeks) and includes continued health benefits.

Refilling Prescriptions To Have a Supply

CVS Caremark will waive early refill limits on 30-day prescriptions and waive charges for home delivery of prescription medications. 

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TeamCare Special Bulletin on COVID-19



Coronavirus Short Term Disability Claim FormCoronavirus_Short-Term_Disability_Claim_Form.jpg

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