Did You Get a Letter From the Election Supervisor About Your Contributions?

Did you get a letter from the Office of the Election Supervisor, asking you to verify contributions that you made to TDU?

These letters to donors are part of a routine audit conducted by the Election Supervisor during the election period. 

The O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United and Vairma-Herrera Slates are audited, as well as Teamsters for a Democratic Union, which is an independent committee.

By federal court order, all information about donors to TDU is kept confidential by the Election Supervisor. 

No information about donations to TDU, including membership dues, is made public or to any union official or employer.

Please respond to the Election Supervisor to verify that you did contribute funds to TDU. Thanks!

Can you help – we will put it good use!

If you have any questions about the letter you received, call the TDU office at 313-842-2600.

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