Video: Fighting Back from UPS to Amazon

We’ve got a lot to celebrate this Labor Day. Rank-and-file organizing is on the rise, and workers are fighting back from UPS to Amazon. Check out the new video from TDU.

More than 100,000 UPS workers participated in a national call-to-action to kick off the Teamster contract campaign — one year before the contract expires and on the 25-year anniversary of the 1997 UPS strike victory. 

TDU is bringing UPS and Amazon workers together for strategy meetings at our upcoming TDU Convention—including a UPS Contract Summit and an Amazon Organizing Summit. 

Reserve your spot today. Click here to register for the TDU Convention.

Some TDU members and supporters have started a scholarship fund to help make it possible for more UPS and Amazon workers to attend these organizing summits and the TDU Convention. 

Celebrate Labor Day by pitching in if you can. Click here to donate

UPS Teamsters United is a grassroots network of Teamster members. We are independent of the IBT and its affiliates. UPS Teamsters United is organized is sponsored by Teamsters for a Democratic Union. We are building support for the International Union’s call to action and national contract campaign.

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