New COVID-19 Side Deal Lets UPSers Work Vacations

The IBT Package Division has signed a new side agreement with UPS on a “COVID-19 Vacation Bank” that allows drivers who want to spend more time at work during a pandemic to voluntarily work their vacations.

The Vacation Bank MOU lets drivers who want to spend more time working during the COVID-19 pandemic sign up to work any vacations that are scheduled from the from the week ending May 23 through the end of the year.

Members will have until April 22 to fill out a form that lists which, if any, remaining vacation weeks for the year they want to work.

The decision to work your scheduled vacation cannot be revoked. Vacations cannot be rescheduled. UPS will not rebid any weeks. 

COVID-19 Pay

Worked vacation weeks can be cashed out or they can be “banked” to use for COVID-19 leave (after the two weeks of paid leave are exhausted) 

But vacation and other paid time off can already be used for COVID-19 leave under the previous COVID-19 MOU so there is no new benefit here.

Forced to Work Vacation?

The Vacation Bank program is voluntary. A strange line in the MOU states that, if an employee chooses not to bank vacation weeks and later is “forced” to work a scheduled vacation week, it will be paid.

The MOU does not explain under what conditions the Hoffa administration would ever allow the company to “force” a Teamster to work their vacation in violation of the contract.

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