Do you want to know more about how Teamster members can win strong contracts, protect our pensions and build union power?
Then register for the Working Teamsters Education Conference, Sunday, April 6 in New York City.
Workshops to include:
- Teamster Reform History and the Future of Teamster Power
- Strategic Bargaining Tactics and Contract Campaigns
- Teamster Pensions and the Pension Protection Act
- Ken Paff, TDU National Organizer
- Sandy Pope, President, Teamsters Local 805
- Ann Thompson, Pension Attorney
- Working Teamsters who have been mobilizing to win strong contracts, protect their pensions, and rebuild Teamster Power.
Register Today and Save
The Working Teamsters Education Conference will be held at the Borough of Manhattan Community College from 9:30 am to 1 pm on Sunday, April 6.
BMCC is located at 199 Chambers Street, one block east of the West Side Hwy. Click here for directions.
The conference is sponsored by the NY-NJ Chapter of Teamsters for a Democratic Union.
Registration is required, and will take place starting at 9:30 AM in BMCC Room S106. Register by March 28 and get complete conference registration, including lunch, for just $10. The walk-in registration fee is $20.
Click here to register online.
Click here to download a leaflet and registration form.
For more information, call 718-287-3283 or click here to send us a question.
For directions to the Borough of Manhattan Community College, click here.