April 2, 2007: The 2008 UPS and Freight contracts are our chance to win the contributions we need to protect and increase our benefits.
TDU is bringing together Teamster members and pension experts to talk about what working Teamsters can do to protect our benefits.To succeed, we need to understand the challenges we face and put together a plan that can win the pension protections and improvements we need.
That’s why Teamsters for a Democratic Union is launching a Pension Rights and Benefits Improvement Program. We will bring together members, Teamster pension activists, and benefit experts in a series of educational workshops and planning meetings to talk about:
- What’s at Stake in UPS and Freight Bargaining—and What Can Be Won
- How the Pension Protection Act Will Affect Our Benefit Funds
- What Working Teamsters Can Do To Protect and Improve Our Pensions
Teamsters in the Central States, for example, face specific challenges based on new policies adopted by the fund after the 2003 cuts and the agreement trustees made last year with the IRS. Other funds face different issues.
Hold a Workshop
Each workshop will address the particular issues affecting your pension fund—the challenges that apply as well as the opportunities to win improvements.
Now is the time to act. The next UPS and freight contracts will determine the future of our Teamster benefits for years to come.
Get informed. Know your rights. And get involved. Your participation now can make the difference.
“I attended a pension workshop as part of the Make UPS Deliver campaign. We got a lot of useful information about the ins and outs of our pension fund and what it will take to defeat the cuts here in Local 804. UPS makes big profits off of our blood and sweat. These pension cuts didn’t have to happen. We’re going to fight not just to restore the cuts—but to improve our benefits.”
Steve Auz, UPS
Local 804, New York
Want to set up a pension meeting in your area? Click here to send a message to TDU.