January 26, 2007: These contract improvements would restore and strengthen our pensions:
- Higher Contributions. UPS is making record profits (more than $4 billion in after-tax profits last year alone). More of that money needs to go to financing a secure retirement for the Teamsters who make this company run.
- Include UPS Part-Timers in All Teamster Pension Funds. Part-timers are not included in Teamster pension plans in the Central States and in much of the East. But in the West, New England and Upstate New York, they are. Why not everywhere? That would put tens of thousands of younger Teamsters into our pension plans and add hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions every year. For most part-timers who stay on at UPS and go full time their part time years count only as a reciprocal benefit when they retire—a very low benefit. However, if they were in the same pension plan as full-timers the part time years would be worth much more allowing a better retirement benefit.
- Include UPS Freight Employees in Teamster Pension Plans. UPS employs 15,000 nonunion drivers and dock workers at UPS Freight. We need to use our bargaining power to unionize these workers and bring them into Teamster benefit plans. That would add some $180 million in pension contributions to our funds every year. If we let management keep this growing sector out of our union pension plan, we're undermining our future.
- 15,000 Full-Time Jobs. Every full-time job at UPS means more contributions and stronger pension funds. We need to create more than another 10,000 full-time jobs in this contract, to strengthen our pension plans and bring full time opportunities to all UPS’ers.
- Strong Subcontracting Language That’s Enforced: When management subcontracts out feeder work, they are robbing our pension funds of contributions. We need stiffer penalties and stronger contract enforcement to stop subcontracting.
- Organize other UPS Subsidiaries. UPS owns and operates many other subsidiaries including Supply Change Solutions (UPS Logistics) UPS SonicAir, and others.
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