Can We Defend the National Contract?

April 10, 2009: We believe we can, even in these difficult times.

But carhaulers need a national plan and national leadership.

It may not be realistic to shut the door on all concessions because of the situation that we, and the companies, find ourselves in. If concessions are given, there needs to be a plan to survive the present and build union strength for the future. Part of any concessions should be a plan to protect union jobs, and a plan for a snap-back provision when the economic situation improves.

Instead we have Hoffa and other IBT leaders taking raises for themselves while they sit back and let companies break up our national contracts and destroy our jobs.

There has never been a time when a national plan of action from our union leadership has been so important. Tough times call for tough leadership.

Giving concessions on a terminal-by-terminal basis, with Teamster pitted against Teamster, while the union leadership hides in Washington—that is the opposite of leadership. That is the failure of the Hoffa administration.

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