March 12, 2008: Carhaul bargaining begins on March 17 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
You can take a look for yourself at the union proposals, which TDU is making available to Teamsters.
Click here to see the union’s proposals for the Master Agreement.
Click here for the union’s proposals for the Central & Southern Supplement.
We will post the Eastern and Western supplement proposals as they become available.
Keep in mind these proposals can be added-to and amended. They need a whole lot more meat to address the needs of carhaulers.
PTS Future on the Line
The future of PTS is on the line this week as bids are being submitted to the bankruptcy court to acquire the company.
PTS CEO Jeff Cornish is telling Teamsters that he hopes PTS will emerge as a stand-alone company with less debt burden, perhaps with Black Diamond as the dominant owner.
Cornish also issued a letter to PTS employees, in which he says that the March 14 auction to sell PTS has been postponed. His letter also says that negotiation of a new contract will be a priority for the new owners of PTS.
Allied has also submitted a bid; the International Union is supporting that effort by Ron Burkle to merge PTS into Allied. A hearing in bankruptcy court will decide it soon.
Lawsuit to Stop Concessions Needs Your Help
PTS and Allied Teamsters, along with St Louis Local 604 have filed a motion in federal bankruptcy court to try to prevent Allied from changing the concession term sheet so they can impose a 17.5 percent cut on PTS Teamsters. This is in the event that Allied takes over PTS.
No matter what happens, donations are urgently needed to help defray the costs of the lawsuit. You can donate via a secure website at You’ll see “Help fight carhaul concessions.” Pitch in some solidarity today.
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Carhaulers need to stand together, or we will hang separately.
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