Carhaul Contract Proposals Due January 15

January 8, 2008: The International Union has opened a very narrow window to allow carhaulers a chance to submit proposals for the new national contract.

That window shuts on January 15, the deadline for members’ proposals.

Some locals are holding meetings to take and discuss proposals, but some are not.

Carhaulers who want to submit contract proposals should use the Carhaul Division’s form. A copy of that form is available for download here.

Those forms should be returned to your local union, or you can mail proposals to the address listed below.

Teamsters National Automobile Transporters
Industry Negotiating Committee
ATTN: Carhaul Division
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

You can also email proposals to kmulligan [at]

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