FedEx Drivers Aren’t Pilots

April 28, 2010: Watch the new Teamster video and take action to win organizing rights and level the playing field at FedEx.

The Teamsters Union has launched a new website to expose FedEx’s ridiculous claim that they are an airline and they deserve different treatment than rival package companies like UPS.

The website, FedExDriversArentPilots, is part of a campaign to close the FedEx loophole which helps FedEx stay nonunion and pay substandard wages and benefits to their employees.

Our union and UPS are both backing legislation that would bring FedEx under the National Labor Relations Act, the same law that covers every other package company. FedEx is using its political muscle to stay under the Railway Labor Act, a law that makes it much more difficult for employees to organize.

The House of Representatives has twice passed the Express Carrier Employee Protection provision of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. We need a national push to make sure this provision passes when the Senate and House approve the final FAA Reauthorization.

Victory will make it easier for our union to organize UPS’s biggest nonunion competition. And it will mean FedEx employees will get the chance to have union rights, wages, and benefits.

You can help. Click here to send a message to Congress that it’s time to close the FedEx loophole and give employees the right to organize.

Click here to see the video.

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