Get Involved and Make UPS Deliver

May 22, 2012: Working Teamsters at UPS are working together through the Make UPS Deliver network to mobilize for a fair contract.

There's no reason to settle the contract with UPS early if it means settling short.

Any contract offer from UPS has to be put to a vote of the members. Our Right to Vote gives us leverage to win a better contract.

If UPS sees that we will vote to reject a bad contract, then the company will be forced to put a
better offer on the table.

Make UPS Deliver is a nationwide network of UPS stewards and members who share information on contract negotiations. We're mobilizing to win a contract that:

  • Protects our benefits and wins better pensions
  • Wins higher wages especially for part-timers
  • Protects drivers from UPS abusing GPS & telematics technology
  • Ends trumped up discipline for "dishonesty"
  • Stops production harassment and excessive loads
  • Creates more full-time jobs so part-timers can go full-time and drivers can get relief from excessive loads
  • Stops subcontracting feeder work and packages to the Post Office

Do you agree with these contract goals? Got other ideas?

Click here to send us a message and join the Make UPS Deliver contract network.

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