Get the UPS Freight National Grievance Panel Docket

February 17, 2012: The Westin Beach Resort will host the Teamster National UPS Freight Grievance Committee in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on March 7-9.

Click here to see the docket.

Twelve cases were carried over from previous meetings. Forty cases (many addressing subcontracting) remain on committee hold. Thirty grievances are listed as new cases. A number of these address subcontracting.

The next arbitration hearing on the Local 745 Dallas grievance on subcontracting is to be held April 25. This grievance has been delayed for over two years.

Life under the first contract negotiated in 2008 has led many UPS Freight Teamsters to understand that firm language has to be bargained in 2013 for an expedited grievance procedure.

Click here for the 2012 UPS Freight National Grievance Committee meeting dates.

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