Auto Truck Transport (ATT) drivers across the country will soon get a chance to vote to become Teamsters. In mid- September the NLRB issued the election decision for 1,300 drivers in a nation-wide unit.
ATT is controlled by Dennis Troha, the CEO of Active Transport, which is covered by our national carhaul contract. ATT was created a decade ago as a union-busting device, and Troha has been able to evade the language against double-breasting in the contract.
Management has used ATT to underbid Active and throw Teamsters out of work in more than half a dozen cities. Active and ATT together transport the majority of heavy trucks made in the U.S. and Canada, as well as those made in Mexico and moved by ATT out of Laredo.
ATT workers will have the chance to end this division and improve their benefits and conditions. The Teamsters are competing against the International Association of Machinists (IAM). Unfortunately, the IAM has allowed itself to be used by management in their campaign to bust the Teamster contract.
Carhaulers can help by volunteering on the Teamster campaign or by talking to ATT drivers to support the drive.