Last year, some of the biggest pay hikes went to the very officials who have overseen the worst concessions and benefit cuts in Teamster history.
James HoffaIn his ten years in office, General President James Hoffa has nearly doubled his compensation. Last year he made $383,132.
Butch LewisLocal 100 freight Teamster Butch Lewis took a 15 percent pay cut—and his pension was frozen for 18 months.
Bill HamiltonLast year Local 107 President Bill Hamilton got a raise of $64,037 from his four salaries.
Ed TaylorHamilton told Local 107 Teamster Ed Taylor he had to take a 10 percent wage cut to save his job—then USF Holland closed his terminal.
Ken HallKen Hall, head of the union’s Package Division, got a whopping $21,594 raise. That’s more than $10 an hour.
Larry McIverLocal 804 UPS Teamster Larry McIver got an increase last year too. His was 35 cents.
Karen BerryLocal 767 Teamster Karen Berry took a $3 hour pay cut and was forced back to part-time when Ken Hall and the International Union failed to enforce the contract language that requires UPS to maintain the 20,000 full-time combo jobs our union won in the 1997 strike.
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