International Union Election Timetable

October 12 , 2005: When Teamster reformers gather at the TDU Convention on Nov. 4-6, one item we will take up is launching a campaign to change the direction and leadership of the Teamsters Union in 2006. Candidates and campaign activists will present plans and discuss issues.

First up on the campaign will be the petition drive to officially accredit a reform slate in November and December. This will take the support of Teamster members across North America to ensure that a reform voice gets platform space in the Teamster magazine and gets access to the Teamster membership list. Also, a major fund drive will be launched to raise the war chest needed to win this campaign.

In January, nominations for delegates to the International Teamster Convention will take place in almost every local. Any Teamster can obtain a copy of your local’s election plan (with dates of nominations and ballot mailing, who will run the election, etc) by sending a written request to your local, right now.

Reformers are gearing up to send a strong delegation to that Convention next June 25-29, to work to win changes in our union constitution, fight to protect our pensions, and nominate a new leadership team to replace the Hoffa-Keegel slate. That election takes place a year from now, in November 2006.

If you want to learn more about the campaign for change, that will put our union on the winning track, contact TDU today.

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