It's Vote No Again for Many UPS Teamsters

September 13, 2013: Momentum is growing to Vote No Again on the UPS Supplements in the Central Region, Philadelphia, Western Pa. and Metro Philadelphia, where all full-time and part-time UPSers are being moved into TeamCare.

Contract ratification ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 18 in these supplements. Members in New Jersey Local 177 and the Western Region  are still awaiting the details on their proposed healthcare plan and contract voting timeline.

In New York Local 804, members will also be voting on Sept. 18. But they get to vote on contract improvements, including a $400/month pension increase, more full-time jobs, and a new grievance procedure so members don’t have to wait months (or longer) to get a fair hearing.

These improvements make the new Local 804 Supplement the best in the country.

TeamCare Supplements Say Vote No Again

Members in the Central Region, Philadelphia, Western Pa. and Metro Philadelphia Supplements say it's still Vote No. And momentum is growing. 

The largest UPS local in the country, Louisville Local 89, is calling on members to Vote No again. 

By Voting No the first time, Teamster members defeated key healthcare cuts and won major improvements in TeamCare benefits.

But Vote No Again organizers say their healthcare will still be cut under the new TeamCare—and that TeamCare will be two-tier healthcare with substandard benefits for thousands of UPS Teamsters who are already in the plan.

Members are also organizing for improvements in weak supplemental language.

A No Vote in the rejected supplements in the Central Region and across Pennsylvania will send a clear message that members will not approve the contract until their issues are addressed.

The Vote No Again movement needs volunteers. You can help.

  • Print up Vote No bulletins and pass them out to other Teamsters in non-work areas at non-work times.
  • Use Facebook to share information and Vote No leaflets.
  • Vote No and mail in your ballot after September 18.

The Vote No movement needs you.  Click here to get information and get involved.

Central Region Supplement – Vote No Again

Western Pennsylvania Supplement– Vote No Again

Metro Philadelphia Supplement– Vote No Again

Philadelphia Local 623 Supplement – Vote No Again

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