Language Needed to Protect UPS Drivers from Spy Technology

August 23, 2007: As previously reported in Convoy, UPS is preparing to implement new technology that will enable management to monitor drivers like never before.

Our National Negotiating Committee began negotiations by submitting strong new language to protect Teamsters from discipline resulting from the new spy technology. UPS Teamsters need to make sure this language is in the final agreement.

The case of Local 391 Teamster Ron Revels—a 21-year Teamster who was fired for cutting his lunch short to help the company— shows why this new contract language is so important.

On July 12, Revels entered a one-hour lunch into his DIAD. But realizing that he would miss business stops, he cut his lunch short. Revels made his business stops. But rather than thanking him, management fired him—after they spotted that Revels had activity on his DIAD during his lunch break.

The termination defies common sense and violates Article 37 language that says “No employee shall be disciplined for exceeding personal time based on data received from the DIAD/IVIS or other information technology.”

It also shows why stronger protections from technology abuse—and stronger contract enforcement—are needed.

The National Negotiating Committee proposed language that would ban management from using information obtained solely from the DIAD, GPS or any monitoring technology as evidence that an employee violated the contract or company policy.

We need to make sure this new language is in any final agreement.

As we go to press, Revels has been returned to work—but without back pay for the six weeks he missed while terminated.

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