Central States Needs an Upgrade
With a lot of misinformation coming from all sides, the Central States Pension Fund is getting slammed with so many calls that members are on hold for 30 to 45 minutes, and sometimes never get through to anybody who can help them with their questions about the recent pension changes.
This is 2011, not 1981. But the fund still operates on an antiquated phone system. You can’t leave a voicemail. And forget about email.
Unless there is a whole helluva lot more transparency from the fund about what is going on, they will continue to get inundated by phone calls from people who can’t get the right answers or are totally confused about what is going on.
Greg Smith, YRC
Local 24, Akron, Ohio
Information You Can Count On
I have a hard time getting any information from my local, so I turn to TDU.
I’m tired of hearing, “Be glad that you have a job.”
When officials are making two or three times what the average Teamster is making, they need to be doing more to enforce our contract.
Brian Leca, UPS
Local 251, Rhode Island
Punish Hoffa!
Jim Hoffa should be thrown out of office, taken off the ballot, and never be allowed to run or hold any office for trying to bribe his way into another term.
Hoffa is giving the Teamsters a bad name.
If we can’t trust our leaders, who can we trust?
Joe Nichols, YRC
Local 992, Hagerstown, Md.