Letters from Our Members

Looking for a Change

We are steadily making progress running for delegate in Local 690. We have a slate nominated and plans for a mailing and a phone bank. And we are out talking with Teamsters.

More members are open to TDU and our message than ever before. Leadership is poor in the local. Times are tough. People are looking for a change.

John Lattanzio
YRC, Local 690

Not His Father’s Teamster Leader

I started with Yellow in 2001. My dad retired in 1998 and worked for Yellow 32 years.

My dad is a James Riddle Hoffa supporter. ME TOO!

I just want James Riddle’s son James P. out! James P. is riding his dad’s coat tails.

James Riddle Hoffa will come back to avenge himself someday! If we support Sandy Pope for Teamster General President!

Mike Eppler
YRC, Local 407

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