Letters from Our Members

January: Time to Act on Bylaws

I want to remind members that January is the month to make proposals on amending local bylaws.

We’ve done this at various times over the years in our local. It’s a great way to raise issues important to the membership. It can be anything from proposing a change of the time and day of the monthly meeting so more members can attend to changing the language to get elected—rather than appointed—stewards.

Every member has a right to a copy of their local bylaws and should review them to see what might be changed. Start planning for next year.

John Zuraw
Local 705, UPS

Editor’s Note: You can read an article about changing your bylaws at www.tdu.org/bylaws.

A Bailout for Central States?

Since the Teamsters put our union’s weight behind Barack Obama, I believe our leaders, be it Hoffa or leaders from the Central States Pension Fund, should meet with the president, explain the situation and ask for immediate help.

My wife and I are totally dependent upon my pension. I hope I didn’t waste the best 30 years of my life missing Christmas programs, Little League ball games and such to make sure every package got delivered.

Dan Rausch
Local 795, UPS, Retired
Casa Grande, Ariz.

Standing Up to UPS Freight

I’d like to thank TDU for breaking the news about UPS Freight trying to steal Christmas. I’m proud that we stood our ground and didn’t let UPS weasel out of delivering our holiday pay.

I’d also like to let other concerned UPS Freight Teamsters know that they’ve got another place to go to stay informed and leave their two cents. I’ve started a website, UPGF United (www.upgfunited.net), where UPS Freight Teamsters can network and keep each other up to date.

G.W. Owensby
Local 41, UPS Freight
Topeka, Kan.

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