April 2, 2014: “When you work as a team, you can win supervisors working grievances, put extra money in your wallet and build Teamster unity on the job too.”
Nick Perry, Local 413, Columbus
Working at UPS is exhausting and the company always wants it done yesterday. It can be tempting to look at supervisors working as a necessary evil, even a helping hand.
But supervisors aren’t helping us when they do bargaining unit work. They’re taking money out of our wallets. Whenever a supervisor works, a Teamster loses the opportunity to get extra hours, and extra money in their paycheck.
Management always has an excuse for supervisors working, like blaming attendance.
But the contract clearly puts the burden on the company to “maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations” with Teamsters and not to “send any employee home and then have such employee’s work performed by a supervisor.” (Article 7, Section 3).
The contract only works if we make it work.
TDU members have won tens of thousands of dollars by filing Supervisors Working grievances. You can get double-time pay for supervisors working violations too.
Get the TDU guide on how to Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working, including:
- A Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working flyer. Filing supervisors working grievances can backfire if you don’t explain why you’re doing it to other members and work in a group.
- Contract Enforcement Tips, including do’s and don’ts and advice from successful contract enforcers.
- Grievance Checklist: a guide on how to prepare and document winning sups working grievances.
Get the Make UPS Pay for Supervisors Working guide here.
Production Harassment in the Hub
Is management handing out excessive discipline for misloads or missorts?
Get Fighting Harassment for Inside Workers, a one-page guide that explains how members can defend themselves in the office and through the grievance procedure.
Find out more here.