December 5, 2005: Tom Leedham will soon be the only officially accredited opposition candidate for Teamster General President—thanks to a member-to-member effort by Teamster members who collected more than 55,000 signatures in just four weeks.
“The response was incredible,” said John Youngermann, a Local 688 UPS Teamster who collected signatures in the St. Louis area. “Members were lining up to have the chance to vote against Hoffa and for International leaders who will fight for us. Even former Hoffa die-hards wanted to sign.”
Members collected 20,000 more signatures than were required by the Election Rules to accredit the Tom Leedham Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Slate. As a result, Teamster members will get to hear from the Leedham Slate in the campaign battle pages in the February issue of Teamster Magazine.
The fact that it took less than four weeks to collect the signatures shows two things. First, Teamster members are hungry for change. And second, the Leedham Campaign is building the grassroots network of Teamster volunteers that will be needed to win the 2006 Teamster election.
Now volunteers are turning their attention to the next steps in the campaign, including Convention Delegate races, fundraising and spreading the word about the Tom Leedham Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Slate.
Convention Delegate Elections: The elections for Teamster Convention Delegate are the next critical challenge. Delegates will officially nominate candidates at the IBT Convention in late June. The Leedham Campaign needs supporters to run in these races to put the Strong Contracts Good Pension Slate on the ballot and to support positive changes at the Teamster Convention.
Most locals will be holding their nomination meetings in January (some in February) so the time to act is now. Call TDU or the Leedham Campaign for information and assistance.
Spread the Word: Informing members about the election will be up to Teamsters like us. You can help by passing out flyers and information. Make sure you get on the Leedham Campaign mailing list and email list to receive regular updates and campaign materials.
Build Campaign Events: Slate members will be hitting the road to talk about their plans for the future of the Teamsters Union, in a series of upcoming campaign events. Get involved by attending or hosting a campaign meeting in your area. Contact the campaign for details.
Build the Campaign Warchest: The Leedham Campaign will also be launching a drive to raise $100,000 by the end of January as the start of a larger warchest. Funds are needed to finance travel for candidates and to reach the 1.4 million Teamsters. Donate online at or send a check to Leedham Campaign, 1863 Pioneer Parkway East #217, Springfield OR 97477.
Click here: Tom Leedham Campaign for Teamster Presidency Moves Ahead!
Click here: Hoffa 'Dis-Unity' Slate Splits
Click here: After the Hoffa Split: Forging Alliances Based on Plans, Not Personalities
Click here: Teamster Candidates Will Debate
“The response was incredible,” said John Youngermann, a Local 688 UPS Teamster who collected signatures in the St. Louis area. “Members were lining up to have the chance to vote against Hoffa and for International leaders who will fight for us. Even former Hoffa die-hards wanted to sign.”
Members collected 20,000 more signatures than were required by the Election Rules to accredit the Tom Leedham Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Slate. As a result, Teamster members will get to hear from the Leedham Slate in the campaign battle pages in the February issue of Teamster Magazine.
The fact that it took less than four weeks to collect the signatures shows two things. First, Teamster members are hungry for change. And second, the Leedham Campaign is building the grassroots network of Teamster volunteers that will be needed to win the 2006 Teamster election.
Now volunteers are turning their attention to the next steps in the campaign, including Convention Delegate races, fundraising and spreading the word about the Tom Leedham Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Slate.
Time to Step Up
“Hoffa’s team is splitting apart, just as the Tom Leedham Campaign’s grassroots network is coming together,” said Chris Roos, candidate for Eastern Vice President. “This election is ours to win. It’s time to step up. Every Teamster that wants positive change needs to know this is your chance to get involved and make it happen.”Convention Delegate Elections: The elections for Teamster Convention Delegate are the next critical challenge. Delegates will officially nominate candidates at the IBT Convention in late June. The Leedham Campaign needs supporters to run in these races to put the Strong Contracts Good Pension Slate on the ballot and to support positive changes at the Teamster Convention.
Most locals will be holding their nomination meetings in January (some in February) so the time to act is now. Call TDU or the Leedham Campaign for information and assistance.
Spread the Word: Informing members about the election will be up to Teamsters like us. You can help by passing out flyers and information. Make sure you get on the Leedham Campaign mailing list and email list to receive regular updates and campaign materials.
Build Campaign Events: Slate members will be hitting the road to talk about their plans for the future of the Teamsters Union, in a series of upcoming campaign events. Get involved by attending or hosting a campaign meeting in your area. Contact the campaign for details.
Build the Campaign Warchest: The Leedham Campaign will also be launching a drive to raise $100,000 by the end of January as the start of a larger warchest. Funds are needed to finance travel for candidates and to reach the 1.4 million Teamsters. Donate online at or send a check to Leedham Campaign, 1863 Pioneer Parkway East #217, Springfield OR 97477.
Click here: Tom Leedham Campaign for Teamster Presidency Moves Ahead!
Click here: Hoffa 'Dis-Unity' Slate Splits
Click here: After the Hoffa Split: Forging Alliances Based on Plans, Not Personalities
Click here: Teamster Candidates Will Debate
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