New Activists Report on TDU Convention

November 13, 2014: The TDU Convention in Cleveland last weekend drew a record number of new participants, who were able to link up with stewards, leaders, and concerned Teamsters from across North America.

Some of the new folks, like Jeff Williams, were experienced Teamsters but new to TDU and ready to take back our union.

"Meeting rank and file Teamsters and TDU members from across the country was terrific. Seeing Fred Zuckerman talking about building a coalition with other great leaders at the convention brought a tear to my eye. WE can take back our union!"

Jeff Williams
Local 89, Louisville

Some were elected stewards aiming to gain new skills, like Kirk Sikora.

"Thanks to TDU for hosting such an eye opening convention. The workshops were highly interactive. The “Ask the Expert” session was tremendously useful. It was my first convention and I will be back."

Kirk Sikora
Local 327, Nashville
Cassens Transport

Some were younger Teamsters –the future of our union -- like Imani Vidal.

"As an alternate shop steward, the TDU convention provided me with useful info and dialog. It gave me a boost for believing in the right to be treated as a human being in the workplace. It was a great bonding experience with folks from Local 804 and Teamsters nationwide. I recommend it to all Teamsters."

Imani Vidal
Local 804, New York

All of them left ready to build TDU and the movement for a new direction in our union. 

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