New Leadership for Chicago Local 743

Local 743 used to be run by officials who cut deals behind closed doors and kept members in the dark.

That all changed on January 1, 2008, when the New Leadership Slate took office in the 12,000-member local.

George Simpson, Local 743 StewardNow Local 743 members are on the front lines of winning stronger contracts and fighting for all workers.

Teamsters at Friends Family Health Center had gone for 18 months without a contract. The new leadership launched a contract campaign and won a new contract with wage improvements for the Teamsters there.

At the University of Chicago Medical Center, members hadn’t voted for stewards in many years. Local 743 called new elections, and now members have new, elected stewards there to protect their rights.

In May, Local 743 members and leaders joined community members from across Chicago and marched for immigrant rights.

And earlier this month, when workers at Republic Windows and Doors occupied their factory, Local 743 officers and members were there to support their fight.

“It’s only been a year but you can see the changes in our union. Members are speaking up and getting results,” said George Simpson, a Local 743 steward. “We need more members involved so we can do more to make our union strong.”

Teamsters for a Democratic Union is running a series of stories about Teamster members who made a difference in 2008. Click here to read more stories in our series.

You can help make a positive difference in our union in 2009. Click here to join Teamsters for a Democratic Union and become a part of our movement.

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