No Vote Can Pay Off Again in Central Supplement

September 26, 2013: UPS Teamsters in the Central Region are on a second contract offer that has virtually no improvements and would cut the health benefits of most Teamsters. Can it pay to Vote No again?

Voting No the first time already won solid improvements in the health benefits. We were told that Voting No would not affect the health benefits. That proved to be a lie.

Voting No again in the Central can win improvements once more. Here's why.

UPS management does not want a strike vote to be held, especially not in the largest region in the country. But under the Teamster Constitution, a third No Vote would require the Union to hold a strike vote.

A second No Vote will put UPS under pressure to put a better offer on the table and avoid a third No Vote and strike vote in the Central Region.

That gives members leverage to win gains in full-time jobs, getting rid of the Article17(i) loophole which lets UPS fire Teamsters, and other improvements.

The Hoffa-Hall administration has spent millions of dollars in a sales job to drum up a yes vote. They have done ten times more to sell management's offer than they ever did to fight for a good contract in the first place, or to enforce our contract.

We urge all Teamsters to consider the issues and cast a vote. One more NO vote can win a better contract in the Central Region.

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