Standing Up for Our Neighbors

Michigan Teamsters Protest Anti-Union Legislation

If we do not protest when they come for our neighbors’ union, no one will be left to protest when they come for our union.

About 30 Local 299 members and retirees went to the state capital, Lansing, to protest the anti-union legislation on the agenda, joining up with about 1,500 other union members.

We need more. Our union rights are under attack. Michigan and across the nation, no member will be left unchanged.

You can no longer sit on the fence and let someone else protest for you. If you think it’s a waste to use a vacation day to protest then you have forgotten how you came to have those vacation days.

The time is now. If your local isn’t marching in D.C. or your state capital ask them why. Regardless of whom you support, we must come together and change the current course.

By Joe Medrano, Holland, Local 299, Detroit

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