Take the TDU Recruitment Challenge

July 10, 2013: Recruit five new members to TDU by Oct. 1 and we'll waive your registration fee to the 2013 TDU Convention.

TDU recruitment makes everything we do possible.

Imagine what we could do with even more members. Can you help make it happen?

Click here to download a form to take the TDU Recruitment Challenge or call TDU at 313-842-2600 to get membership applications and recruitment materials.

Recruit five members at the normal rate, or 10 part-timers. Be sure to write your name as the sponsor on each new membership card. Return the filled-out cards on the right and dues payments to: TDU, P.O. Box 10128, Detroit, Mich. 48210.

TDU membership is kept confidential. TDU solicits and accepts membership applications and donations only from Teamsters, retired Teamsters and spouses who are not employers.

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