TDU Convention: Defending Our Contracts, Saving Our Union

November 5, 2007: Defending our contracts and saving our union was the theme this weekend at the 32nd annual TDU Convention.

Teamster members came to Chicago from across the country to discuss strategies and make plans for building a stronger union in the coming year. They were able to learn from experts and each other at 20 workshops.

UPS activists met to discuss turning out the vote in the contract vote going on right now and organize for the future. And freight Teamsters discussed how the rank and file can make its voice heard in the early freight talks. TDU’s National Rail Chapter and other groups were able to meet during the Convention.

The Convention also celebrated the recent election of Chicagoan Richard Berg and the Local 743 New Leadership Slate. Berg, a TDU member for nearly 20 years, will take office as president of the 12,000 member Chicago local on Jan. 1.

“The members of my local wouldn’t have a new leadership without TDU,” Berg told the convention.

TDU members elected TDU’s International Steering Committee this weekend. The ISC will serve as the board of TDU for the coming year.

TDU members and supporters donated over $29,500 to keep the Teamster reform movement going strong over the next year. If you weren’t at the Convention, you can donate by clicking here, or call (313) 842-2600.

The date and location of the 2008 TDU Convention have not yet been chosen.

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