Teamsters are setting aside vacation time now to attend the TDU Convention this year in Cleveland, October 24 - 26.
“I attended my first TDU Convention last fall and I will definitely be back this year. At the TDU Convention you get a chance to meet rank-and-file members who are truly concerned about their fellow Teamsters and are willing to roll up their sleeves and work together to build up our union. The TDU Convention is the place to be if you’re a steward or active Teamster who wants to hear straight talk and learn proven strategies for taking on the problems we face in the trenches at UPS.”
Matthew Higdon, Local 728 Shop Steward UPS Package Car Driver, Dalton, Ga.
Make your plans to attend the Convention today.
Want to learn more about the Convention? Click here to send a question, or call TDU at (313) 842-2600.