TDU Members on the Move

There's not enough movement in the labor movement. But TDU members are working to turn that around.

We're organizing to fight for better contracts, defend our benefits, and train a new generation of union activists.

We can't do it without you. That's why we're asking you to do your part by donating to our 2013 Fund Drive. 

CLICK HERE to sign up for a monthly credit card or debit card donation, or make a one-time donation. A small monthly contribution is easy on your wallet but fuels TDU with a steady stream of monthly income.


"TDU helped us build a movement for change in Local 804, one of the largest UPS locals in the country. In a tough economy, we just won a $400 a month pension increase."

Ralston Boswell, UPS, Local 804, New York City



More than 800 members filled their Local Union meeting in Providence to vote on measures giving members more power in their local.

"TDU is helping us take back our union."

Paul Santos, R.I. Hospital, Local 251, Providence



"TDU helped me blow the whistle on UPS safety violations and win $100,000 in damages and back pay." UPS fired feeder driver John Youngermann for refusing to drive unsafe equipment. John won his job back with full backpay. Then he sued UPS and won $100,000—the largest award ever for a truck safety whistleblower.

John Youngermann, UPS, Local 688, Saint Charles, Missouri



"TDU is the only reliable source of pension information we've got. I count on TDU to give me the facts and help us hold the line against threats to our retirement."

Michelle Glessner, ABF, Local 957, Dayton, Ohio



Information is power.  More than 150 Teamsters turned out for a recent TDU Education Conference.

"It was like a boot camp for union members who want to fight back in the war on workers."

Kenny Yuen, Steward, Tops Moving & Storage
Local 805, New York City

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Recent News

New NLRB Acting General Counsel Reverses Pro-Union Policies

In a blow to the Teamsters and other unions, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is overturning policies that made it easier for nonunion workers to organize.

Union Busters Push for National Right to Work (for Less) Legislation

Anti-union politicians have introduced national Right to Work legislation in both the House and Senate. If passed, the legislation would hurt Teamsters and all workers.

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