Ten Years of Hoffa

January 10, 2009: James Hoffa took office ten years ago, promising to Restore Teamster Power.

Instead, we’ve suffered a decade of decline.

How can working Teamsters get our union back on track?

It’s been ten years since James P. Hoffa took the oath of office as Teamster General President. Instead of delivering the Teamster Power he promised, Hoffa has managed our union through a decade of decline.

Hoffa promised “Real 25 & Out Pensions.” He delivered the biggest pension cuts in Teamster history. He gave the worst concessions to UPS in decades even though the company was making more than $4 billion in annual profits.

Our union has been reduced to a shadow of its former self in the freight and carhaul industries. Employers are calling all the shots and dictating whatever concessions they choose.

It would be foolish to blame every problem our union faces on Hoffa. The economic crisis means tough times for all of labor.

But ask yourself this: what kind of leadership do these times demand and what kind of leadership do we have?

The Hoffa administration failed to win strong contracts, protect our pensions, or organize the nonunion competition when times were good.

Do you think they have a plan to protect Teamster members and rebuild our union’s power now?

Our union is on the wrong road. It’s up to Teamster members to take the wheel and change the direction.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union is about uniting members to make that happen. And our movement is growing.

Freight Teamsters are getting involved because they’re concerned about the future of unionized trucking. UPSers, carhaulers, bus drivers, waste workers, and every kind of Teamster that wants to return our union to the members are coming together.

TDU isn’t growing because change is easy. We’re growing because change is needed. If you agree, then get involved.

What do you think we need to do to turn our union around? Click here to send us your ideas and opinions.

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