Texas Full-Time Jobs Massacre

January 29, 2008: UPS management is moving to eliminate every Article 22.3 job at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport—the single largest cut since UPS started slashing full-time jobs last year.

In all, the company is planning to eliminate 120 Article 22.3 positions at DFW.

“I was on the picket line every day in 1997 holding a sign that said 'Part Time America Won't Work.' I never dreamed the company would try to force me back to part-time.
“We have stood up for our union. Now we need our union to have our back.”
Sandy Gustafson, Local 767 Steward, UPS, Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport

Members report that the company is making all Article 22.3 employees bid on two part-time positions and reducing them to part-time wages. This will mean a pay cut of $5 an hour or more for many Teamsters. Members are also being forced to work split shifts.

UPS is eliminating the night sort at DFW on Feb. 12. But the company is eliminating the Article 22.3 jobs on every shift, not just the night sort.

"UPS is trying to get rid of 22.3 jobs all together and put everyone back to part-time. That's what they really want," said Jacqueline Jones, a Local 767 steward.

The contract requires UPS to maintain a minimum of 20,000 Article 22.3 full-time jobs nationwide at all times. The company is thousands of jobs short of the required number but the International Union has taken no action to enforce the contract.

"UPS owes us a minimum of 20,000 jobs and they're in clear violation of the contract," says Local 767 steward Sandy Gustafson. "I was at the picket line every day in 1997 holding a sign that said 'Part Time America Won't Work.' I never dreamed the company would try to force me back to part-time. We have stood up for our union. Now we need our union to have our back.”

The next national grievance panel is scheduled for Feb. 2-5.

Click here to download a bulletin on the UPS Full-Time Jobs Massacre.

Will the International Union take up a national grievance? Or will Hoffa and Hall continue to leave local unions and working Teamsters holding the bag while the company steals our jobs and shreds our contract?

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