Tom Leedham Slate’s Strong Contracts, Good Pensions Tour

January 30, 2006: Tom Leedham and other candidates are hitting the road to hear from Teamster members and share ideas for rebuilding our union’s power.

Do you want to talk with candidates about plans for winning strong contracts? Strengthening contract enforcement? Fighting cuts in Teamster pensions and benefits? Organizing the nonunion competition?

Then look for a Tom Leedham Campaign event in your area. A partial listing of tour dates with the featured candidates appears below.

Boston: Sunday, Feb. 19
Tom Leedham, General President
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large
Christopher Roos, Eastern Region Vice President

Chicago: Saturday & Sunday, March 4-5
Tom Leedham, General President

Hartford, Conn.: Saturday, Feb. 18
Tom Leedham, General President
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large
Chris Roos, Eastern Region Vice President
Eunice Rodriguez, Leedham Slate

Memphis: Sunday, Jan. 29
Scott Webber, Vice President At-Large
T.C. Bundrant, Southern Region Vice President

Milwaukee: Saturday, Feb. 4
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large

Minneapolis/St. Paul: Sunday, Feb. 19
Dan Scott, Vice President At-Large

Nashville: Saturday, Jan. 28
Scott Webber, Vice President At-Large
T.C. Bundrant, Southern Region Vice President

New York City: Friday, Feb. 17
Tom Leedham, General President
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large
Eunice Rodriguez, Leedham Slate

Philadelphia: Sunday, Feb. 12
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large

Seattle: Sunday, Jan. 29
Tom Leedham, General President
Dan Scott, Vice President At-Large

Worcester, Mass.: Saturday, Feb. 18
Tom Leedham, General President
Sandy Pope, Vice President At-Large
Chris Roos, Eastern Region Vice President

For more information, or to set up a meeting with a candidate in your area, contact the campaign at (718) 287-6156 or leedhamslate [at] (LeedhamSlate [at]
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