Union, Allied Will Meet on Concessions

Updated June 16, 2010: Allied Automotive Group has agreed to pay the full contract wage, retroactive to May 29 when their three-year concession deal expired, and will now come to carhaul Teamsters asking for a fresh concession package.

Teamsters’ paychecks this week (June 18) will be incorrect; Allied has agreed to issue retroactive checks to make up the difference.

For the first time in three years, Teamsters should receive the contract wage rate, while Allied moves to bargain a concession proposal with the International union.

The International Union says they will now negotiate regarding Allied’s concession proposals, and will review Allied’s finances before agreeing to concessions. Article 6 of the Allied concession agreement already granted the union full access to Allied’s financial records for the past three years, so why doesn’t the union already have this information?

Any concession agreement will have to be voted on by all working and laid-off Allied Teamsters.

The Daily Labor Report on the Allied negotiations is available here.

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